For those who love animals, check out the following There’s so much to learn about horses. Brown.

ESL Conversation Lesson Questions: Free classroom handouts. Its very hard to track but there's even traces in humans where we have evolved a little bit from 100years ago. Questions About Dinosaurs. Which dinosaur had the smallest brain for its body size?Do you love to put your general knowledge to the test?Feel free to share your own quizzes and challenge other members to see who will be top of the class!Join our Facebook group for the best quizzes around Cambridgeshire. Quiz yourself on dinosaurs - true or false?

Red. It was called "Mesozoic Era ".

What does the word dinosaur mean? Quit pretending you can’t hear the children squabbling. 1000 years ago. The reason I wouldn't know. They used to be the dominant species on Earth million years ago. So, I've created a question sheet here, and these are answered by my own … Dinosaur Fact - Dinosaurs, facts, fossils, dinosaur information . The difference between the two is that confirmed means that there were full body fossils found, and un-confirmed means that only partial body parts were found.This is a major debate. Q: Why are dinosaurs so big? The way I see it there's so many questions with dinosaurs there should be a FAQ at What colour was the Tyrannosaurus rex? One of the smartest dinosaurs was the Nigersaurus and actually it's a belief by some that this dinosaur could've created the first chain to their extinction. There was fish, ancient tigers, mammals, sharks, insects. They were during a timeline called "Early life". Not even close. Yes, I'm sure of it. 4. Volleyball, invented in America as a hybrid of tennis and …

inside them. For this special edition We Love Quizzes trivia, we’re giving … Find out by taking this mega quiz! Later on after the cretaceous era (65 million) years ago dinosaur fossil dating never went past. Dinosaurs first appeared in which geological period? North America Usually they are named by a certain unique feature of their fossils and they are all named in Greek. Everywhere in the world.

Use for debates, discussions, speaking, conversations, independent learning and more. Hope you learn something. Even though it would be as cool as ever 99% of the world is sure that they are extinct.

Do we hail to them?Yes, Some dinosaur fossils were found in huge herds while others were always alone so the chances are great that they were social. The carnivores hunted and ate other dinosaurs and animals. A. Africa Make predictions, use scientific equipment and perform experiments to find the answers to lots of questions about dinosaurs… The word dinosaur was first coined in 1842 by paleontologist Sir Richard Owen, from the Greek … During which period did the …

However I'm not going to say you are wrong because there is no real proof that it is not true.

And for the record, we think you're doing a grand job.3.

Maybe they can help you realise your dream to become a true palaeontologist. Dinosaurs are proven to be not as efficient thinkers than humans. Such as alligators which do not have forked tongues either. No-one knows. Question 1 (out of 10): When did dinosaurs go extinct?
The long ears, …

7. The Biggest known dinosaur is the Bruhathkayosaurus.

How much do you know about dinosaur time periods, which dinosaurs were herbivores and which were carnivores, what they looked like and how many legs they moved on?
Think of it this way...We have Bears in the forests of Canada and US. The Mesozoic was also a time of great change in the terrestrial vegetation. The feature you're probably thinking of is the position of the legs, as they hang relatively straight down from the hips, and that is more in line with both birds and mammals than with other reptiles. Put your knowledge to the test with this fun dinosaur quiz for kids. Find out by playing the Dinosaur Discovery game below. 35 million … Dinosaurs first appeared in which geological period?8. Can you spot the true and false facts about different types of dinosaur and get 10 out of 10? By the middle of the Cretaceous, the earliest angiosperms had appeared and began to diversify, largely taking over from the other plant groups. Through millions of years creatures started to evolve and become more and more adjusted to different area's of the world. English lesson on DINOSAURS. There are many reptiles today that do not have the characteristic you are talking about. Right here. B. It also had hollow chambers that did connect near where the voice chamber would've been which means they did use unique sounds as no tube fossil of this dinosaur has ever been the same. Dinosaurs were long gone leaving a gap of about 64 million years. You can unsubscribe at any time. It's a debate. Huh.......Actually it a pretty simple concept called evolution. Except for birds, dinosaurs became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous. Ourexplains more about how we use your data, and your rights. 1/20. It was 40 feet tall. Dinosaur quiz questions 1. Are there dinosaurs in the Bible?" Most of the dinosaur fossils have been found on which continent? Everyone knows the classic movie “Jurassic Parks,” but the world of dinosaurs is much more varied and diverse. PIC: Scotty, one of the largest and most complete T. rex skeletons in the world, and incredible models of feathered dinosaurs. Regardless of the fact that they are stronger and higher on the food chain it's not possible.

Question: "What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? Generally, they don't look more like mammals. C. South America Tyrannosaurs will explore the most feared and revered of all dinosaurs, bringing the latest palaeontological discoveries to life and challenging preconceptions about these ferocious predators.When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. When did all dinosaurs become extinct? There isn't any proof to help scientists to know for sure. Do you know your Pterodactyls from your Pentaceratops? The Most Epic Dinosaur Quiz Ever! 100 ft

Let's go! 6. The early Mesozoic was dominated by ferns, cycads, ginkgophytes, bennettitaleans, and other unusual plants. It was close to the size of a chicken.Over 800 confirmed and over 2000 un-confirmed.

Please tell me the general shape of the dinosaurs.