They can be divided into teams of 4-6 and given topics related to the history of India.Independence Day Quiz is a very common way to check out the IQ’s and awareness of your employees about their own country. The Game Ideas for Indian Independence Day Celebration in Office should be so up to the mark that they ensure employment engagement upto 100%.

Paint glass walls/ partitions with acrylic paint and re use waste material to make the decorations stand out.Make a wall for traditional arts & crafts and create a mural of different textiles crafts of India.Use kanjivaram sarees, phulkari dupattas, kalamkari fabric, and more and see it turning out to be the centre of attraction of the office.

They can bring their specialty food from their own state.Singing patriotic songs on the Independence Day event is definitely going to cheer up everyone’s heart. Take this Quiz based on our nation and check your knowledge about India. Fondness for these has compelled this introvert to voice her thoughts in words. So Be Ready To Know Facts About India. Just send out a notice well in advance and ask them out for to bring new or old clothes to donate.Organize a Independence Day Speech Competition for your employees. The quiz could be about the leaders and the freedom fighters who fought for independence.A quick brush up of our history lessons combined with buzzers and tons of fun!Get South of India on one side and North of India on the other and let the war begin!Tug of war is a great way to get everyone come together and it doesn’t really need much preparation other than organising for a big rope.Tambola is one game everyone in the office can participate in and play. From 1947, We Celebrate 15 August as our Independence day. It also acts as an ice-breaker for the new employees who can mingle into the culture of company. 16 Aug 2017 by Creative Studio 18. Quiz on Indian Independence Day - Play this interesting quiz to test your knowledge about Indian Independence history and National heroes in freedom struggle. Plan activities like tug-of-war, relay and other team building exercises.Get tricolour t-shirts made for everyone and spread the message of joy, peace and unity.If you are in Delhi, then you can plan a visit to the Swatantrata Sangram Sanghralaya museum in Red Fort that provides an insightful glimpse of major phases of India’s struggle for freedom.Organise for a bus and ask people to sign up for it in advance.Plan some games to keep people entertained during the journey and plan a packed lunch with boxes you can distribute to everyone with some traditional Indian snacks like samosas, kachoris, dhoklas, etc.Kites signify freedom and flying kites is a great way to celebrate Independence Day with your office colleagues.Get the rooftop of your office building cleaned up and order tricolour kites or branded kites. Festivals and celebrations add freshness to the monotonous chain of the office. Print numbers randomly on a tiranga (you can get a template You can call the lines green line, white line and saffron line, and the full house could be India.Instead of saying yes, as in traditional tambola, one can be asked to say Vande Materam or Satyamev Jayate to add to the Independence Day theme.Place different things related to Independence like a tricolour flag, toy tanks, small guns, aeroplane model toy soldiers, postage stamps with flag, card posters of freedom fighters, etc around the office and make a list of all the things.Make teams and give the list to each team. Flag hoisting is a mandatory ceremony to attend, for every public servant and public representative. You can either go for tri-color dresses or depict your own state by wearing traditional clothes for a day.Employees and Departments can be distributed into teams and given a stipulated amount of time and space to create a beautiful Rangoli in the office promises. It will also make a fabulous photo op!Since Independence Day usually is in the monsoon, you could fuse the two and create a décor that appeals to both the occasion and the weather.Get umbrellas in Saffron, White and Green colours and hang them from the ceiling, or pile them in a corner to make an attractive décor idea.These umbrellas can be donated to the needy after they serve their purpose.Ensure that in whatever activity you plan for Independence Day in your office, the spirit of the celebration is that of unity, happiness and peace.Hey There. Let people come ahead and greet everyone in their traditional language and get the opportunity to showcase themselves to the entire office.Keep a team ready to cheer for them and keep the atmosphere light and fun!If you have an office canteen, plan a traditional food carnival which could be celebrated over a week.Assign a region to each day from Monday to Friday like Amritsari day, Andhra day, Hyderabadi day, Kerala thali day and Gujarati day.If you don’t have a canteen, then you can ask people to cook their traditional food and keep a competition.Give them scores on taste, authenticity, presentation and uniqueness.Ask people to make something using the traditional crafts of India like Phulkari, Bidri, Madhubani, gamcha, block printing, etc and create something.The object should be submitted for judging and the criteria for judging has to be innovativeness of the use of craft, creativity, skill, vision and effort.The products should be kept for display with the name and photo of the creator.Make a plan to go for a picnic to a national park or place of national importance like India gate or Gateway of India. Welcome colour, tradition and jewellery and encourage everyone to accessorize appropriately.Imagine how alive the office would look in Nauvari sarees, Patiala salwars and veshtis!Select the top 10 best dressed men and women and set the stage for a fashion show. Playing games in office is always exciting because you get to interact and enjoy with your colleagues. Don't worry, at the end of the quiz you surly gain your understanding of our country. An ardent dog lover who loves eating and decking up. We are the people of free India Great India.