Timidity is humility to us. Quotes by Ghanaian Authors - BrainyQuote. “A committed citizens can move a country.” Welcome back.

in the Nordic countries, the get paid due to the developed welfare system.

“In our part of the world, being assertive and confident it is interpreted as being arrogant. Like the clarity, one gets after the initial drag of that ooowee. #Summer #Ghana #West. we need to look into the Nordic welfare models.

Every Christmas, all around Ghana, there are tons of these parties and they are full of everything that exists in human life in Ghana and worldwide. Submit Your Quote. We cannot wait for governments to do it all.

Modern Ghana Quotes.

“How can the nation be mightier, without unity of its citizens?” “Ghana will not be built in a day.

“Everyone must be given the opportunity to think, read and write.” “There is enough work for every soul, if we use our specific gifts to meet the specific needs of the society.” “Oh, my God.

“If any country wishes to be great, the citizens must pursue godliness.”

“May this marriage be blessed with leaves and fruits like the date tree;May this marriage be laughing forever, today, tomorrow, like the hours of paradise.” Begin to serve every where you are; in the home, community, school, university, work, hospital, church, market, society, nation and among many other places.”

Africa, a land full of resources!”

By: Pete Giraffe. “We will be a mighty nation, if we build each other.” “Ghana, a land full of Gold! “You must not wait to be elected into office, before you begin to serve. “In the village there was a man whose job it was to clear up all the shit from the holes in the ground. “We ought to know the history of our ancient ancestors.” …

I KNOW she knows she got a nigga.”

“Every child must be taught how to think, read and write.”
"While the rest of the world has been improving technology, Ghana has been improving the quality of man's humanity to man." Globalization operates on Internet time.

“The only work for success is hard work.” He used to collect it in a big copper pan and walk off with it balanced on his head.

But it should be built every day and the body that houses the eyes reading this owns the hands that will ensure this.”

“This is one of the things I love about Ghana, it allows you, if you want, to learn so much, because regularly, people are unhelpful and if you turn it around so it’s of benefit to you, you learn a lot.
“What a mighty nation, we will be, if we encourage one another?”

and they do not need to beg for rice at a …

Society have a way of cowarding us into silence. “A nation can be mighty, when the citizens put away their political differences, work together for a common vision, a common goal and a common good.” “The city is dirty due to the laziness of the citizens in the country.”

Governments tend to be slow moving by nature, because they have to build … Votes: 6.

“Leaders must served and not to be served as demonstrated by Jesus Christ, the Saviour.”

Explore 49 Ghana Quotes by authors including Maya Angelou, Bill Gates, and Bozoma Saint John at BrainyQuote. It was from that trip that Della was born, a company that provides jobs, education, and skills training to women in Ghana. “Blacks are intelligent people, loving people, caring people, honest people, faithful people, and peaceful people, I am a black man, and I know that Black Lives Matter.”

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“Ghana is a huge grindstone, and depending on what you are made of, can grind you down or polish you up.” Amanda Hearst