While centipedes don't hit hard in melee, if they are carrying the heavy charge blaster, they can deal massive damage to grouped up brawlers. Enemies can be physically blocked by colonists or animals, denying them access to locations. While they do not need to be obedience- or release-trained, as you can use animal area zones to force them into areas, doing so is less effective as animals have a delay before moving into their assigned zones and may be very far away. Usually it is best if you can prepare ample cover, such as sandbags or walls, to shoot from. Slows raiders but not colonists. Firing at a greater angle; 2 stone chunks block 37% total. Building mortars with plasteel also allows the mortar to survive a mortar hit, provided that the mortar shells don't explode. Raiders will attempt to run from an exploding trap, though the fuse is short enough to catch some of them. Engaging it in melee is possible, though you have to be careful. Before laying blueprints, first inspect the natural features that can work as defenses, such as marshes, mountains and rivers. However, they are a great threat to turret-reliant, mountain or walled bases, including baes with killboxes. Was wondering what are some of the best defense's that you have made before. It's best that you have your colonists standing guard outside, but if you need to you can always have a few pillboxes to defend the mortar base. Trained animals automatically peel for their assigned masters, if 'Release animals' is Off. As raids become stronger, walls alone won't hold off raids, so prepare additional defenses behind them such as lines of sandbags, or funnel them through a chokepoint. Beware of high damage-per-hit weapons which can instantly down shields. If the defoliator ship part lands on the opposite side of your base at a map border, it is possible to leave it there, as they will also react to incoming raids and you may as well solve two problems at once. If they land at the edges, they can be treated as a normal raid party, unless you have expanded to the edges, in which they will land inside your base. Rocketeers are a priority target that need to be rapidly eliminated as soon as they enter. You can trigger the mechanoids either by high-explosive mortar fire, or sniping the ship part. This is additionally harmful as they are capable of opening doors to attack your colonists. Fires can spread up to 4 tiles away, so this won't completely stop fires unless you put a thick enough line. By landing in the middle, they bypass most of your conventional defenses, and you can't use your cover advantage against them. If you already have ample static defenses, like killboxes, and you want to lure the mechanoids in, you will need to make the mechanoids abandon the ship by destroying it from a long distance. Best kill box/base defense design. You will need to bring some items so you can be prepared for a surprise attack. This way, kiters can distract a group of enemies by leading them around the map, while chipping away at their health.

Utildayael. In an open base, sappers can usually be treated as a weaker-than-usual bunch of raiders. When dealing with a crashed psychic ship part that has been there for some time, do not let any of your tamed animals near it, for the ship part can drive them into manhunter mode. Helpful if you have no one well skilled in construction. Problem is.. now the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥s just go dig through random walls instead! 10 manhunter elephants vs 3 armored brawlers and 4 armored gunners; all colonists are downed while all elephants remain standing. You always need to be prepared for ambushes when you send out caravans. Eh. Hostile factions can remember the tile location of your traps for a single quadrum, so long as any survivor manages to tell the tale by escaping the map. Each rocket travelling over a pawn has up to 40% chance to impact, setting it off early. Station them outside the prison doors, and they will fire on the escapees. Explosive, incendiary or area denial weapons are excellent at room-clearing, but are not recommended except in dire situations due to heavy collateral damage. Mechanoids targeted nearby animals instead of colonists. When psychic waves occur, either lure animals into one spot or set up multiple chokes for attack.

Entryway with alternating sandbags to slow raiders and doors to provide access. However if the enemy has a significant cover advantage (such as sandbags) then this tactic may not work out in your favor.