if u think about it and outwide serve does not need speed but placement, down the t serve with some spin doesnt need a lots of speed, a body serve doen't need speed but a flat serve needs speed. So cutting down on his power and still achieving the same result, an ace or a return error is really a smart move. In the final against Agassi he hit many aces on the deuce court which hit the backboard foot height. I was also slightly surprised by the speed - 181km ph hour on many instances. It was a money serve. In the final, his first serve was averaging 112 mph for the first set and I rarely remember seeing it above 120. Since Federer idolised Sampras when he was a junior, his serve also have good disguise, good placement, extreme confidence in serving tricky slice serves & kick serves that land short, angled sharply, close to the net, unplayable aces on both the deuce & ad courts.^ Yeah, Sampras had the heaviest serve in the game.

Thats a strange question. That belief may not be as set in concrete as we once thought.The first thing to start with is to organise the 2019 year-end Top 10 in order of fastest to slowest with average second-serve speed.When you cut the group in half, combining the fastest five averages and the slowest five averages, something eye-opening emerges. Imagine if Federer blasts his serves with all his might and use the same forearm to play super blasting forehands & backhands, it will definitely strain the tendons in his forearms.
Category Its a career/hobby for most of these people.

I would agree with Pete getting more aces, and being more accurate, its scary to think if Roger perfected his serve even more. I recognise their faces all during the summer hardcourt season. A more powerful shot in tennis, especially with a serve, has always been looked upon as more desirable than a slower shot. Sampras served 28 aces against Agassi in FOUR sets in the 2002 US open finals while Federer served 21 aces against Phillipousis in THREE sets in the 2003 Wimbledon finals. A lot of people have been calling the lines since the early 1990s. Scores Their clocked speeds were pretty much the same across rackets. He'd know! Generally the balls were hitting around shoulder to head level of a crouching line judge. Poor use and no efficiency in managing an individual's own energy only result in getting more tired in the latter part of the match or tournament. Actually i think, he plays this year more from the baseline than in the last years or when he came out in 2001. Just one other thing. So Federer saves his energy for court movements, and hitting his groundies, especially when he is using a one-handed backhand which will tire faster as compared to a double-backhand. But it was very effective on grass, because Federer created a spin to the backhand, that i have seen only by lefthanders.Roger said after his Wimbledon win this year (or some victory this year I know that) that he feels that he does not need to serve as hard as he can (probably 135+mph) because he chooses placement over speed.I said it once, and I'll say it forever, until something proove me I'm wrong.Hasn't Agassi said anything about this? Add to that the fact that he hit every serve with the exact same toss, and we're talking sick nasty just plain old stupid serving skillz.As previously stated, we have to consider the importance of spin when used on a first-serve. feds is not jus a great tennis player but a smart one. You must log in or register to reply here. I agree that serve speeds seem inflated. What are the average speed of Sampras' & Federer's 1st Serves? So the relative speed of his average first serve would equal 125 divided by 125 and multiplied by 100, giving us 100. Year So averagely both hit about 7 aces in 1 set. The only player to be in the leading five players in average speed and win percentage was Dominic Thiem.Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer, Daniil Medvedev and Roberto Bautista Agut owned the five slowest averages of the Top 10 ranked players in 2019.