You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! theres no point in getting the kills, as the hourglass has full stacks plus the nlrs stats plus 5 armor. zhonya's hourglass - 120 ap, 50 armor needlessly large rod - 80 ap if it was that much of an issue, i think a better set up (currently, once armguard gets another upgrade path it will be different) would of been to just make it double cloth armor and the nlr, then just add 120 to the combine cost, leaving the stats and total cost the same. You sure i mean make the stacked ap and armor along with hour glass along with base.

Seeker's Armguard (New Item) Recipe: Cloth Armor + Cloth Armor + Amplifying Tome + 125 gold = 1,160 gold +30 armor +25 ability power; Unique passive: Kills grant 0.5 bonus armor and ability power. [/quote] Even when it's the right situation to buy Seeker's, it feels wrong, so that's where we're making changes. 135 ap, 65 armor, and the active for 3410 gold? zhonya's hourglass - 120 ap, 50 armor as mentioned before, zhonyas = fully stacked armguard, nlr, and 5 armor.
[quote=caucheka][quote=cooper56] No need to get an early Zhonya's, and instead lean into the cost efficiency of an early-mid game armband. too cost efficient. all in all, hourglass only went up 20 ap for 300 gold. Shouldn't Zhonya's have this too?

Cost: 1,160g (125g) Sell Value: 812g

Seeker's Armguard is a reactive purchase for mages who need extra armor in rough matchups. as mentioned before, zhonyas = fully stacked armguard, nlr, and 5 armor. What happens to these bonus stats when upgrading the item to a Zhonya's Hourglass... Stack Exchange Network - Ken Levine

it only matches chain vests armor after you got 20 stacks. Seeker's Armguard Seeker's Armguard is a replacement to the Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass recipe's former use of a Chain Vest Chain Vest, serving two purposes: the first being to replace the armor value that a Chain Vest Chain Vest would have provided, and the second being to feed in a higher portion of ability power than a Needlessly Large Rod Needlessly Large Rod alone would provide. needlessly large rod - 80 ap Buying Zhonya's instantly without buying Seeker's armguard first won't allow you to stack AP or armor by farming, which is Seeker's passive.

Somebody mentioned a cloth 5 opening, and they are spot on with that idea. No need to get an early Zhonya's, and instead lean into the cost efficiency of an early-mid game armband. [/quote]

They need to make the passive gain carry over when you buy hour glass. 135 ap = 2936 gold

buying 135 ap and 65 armor alone is equal to 4236 gold. it does though. That said, Seeker's. - Ken Levine Zhonya’s Hourglass struggles to maintain two very expensive characteristics: it’s a top-tier ability power item that also boasts one of the strongest actives in the game. Seeker's Armguard has a unique mechanic where it gives .5 armor and ap for every minion kill (max of 15 armor/ap). - Ken Levine

Given how game-warping Zhonya's active can be - and how powerful a deterrent it is against dudes who want to blow you up - we're pretty firm on gating this active with a fair combine cost. I like things that make me feel stupid.

Total cost is 1200, and only takes a single Cloth Armor + Amplifying Tome. - Ken Levine
[quote=caucheka]whats the point of this item again?

it does though.

[quote=DillButt64]seekers armguard did fine for me as eve against pantheon[/quote] [/quote] [/quote]

[[seeker's armguard]] Historically, this duality has forced us to lock Zhonya’s behind a steep price tag or awkward build path a usually both. armguard (empty) - 25 ap, 30 armor That's the point. Hai Talon. too cost efficient. Seeker's Armguard is a replacement to the Zhonya's Hourglass recipe's former use of a Chain Vest, and a Needlessly Large Rod serving two purposes: the first being to replace the armor value that a Chain Vest would have provided, and the second being to feed in a higher portion of ability power than a Needlessly Large Rod alone would provide. and thats before the active.

but once again, they take a unique champion ability/passive and make it an item or vice-versa. But since [[Warmog's Armor]] AP champs are far more popular, and don't get gibbed as easily as mages; like Kat, Elise, and Rumble, it's still not a very common sight. thats about 1000 gold worth of free stats. it doesnt matter if you get 0 stacks or all 30. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker!

You can go cloth+5pots when going against Talon. [/quote]

MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Somebody mentioned a cloth 5 opening, and they are spot on with that idea. by looking at cost efficiency..

Seeker's Armguard and all upgrades should reflect the change from 4.20.

stfu I only did that : swearing and thats why i got ban are u ****** or something ?Go be a whiny baby elsewhere. [quote=cooper56] Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? For League of Legends on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Seeker's armguard who would that be used for? Edit: mistake on my part, I didn't know you ended up with the same amount of AP and armor in both cases. From what I've seen it works pretty well for that. ". [/quote] share.

[/quote] [quote=DuffTime]It's cost effective, easy to buy early game, and easy to build out of. it doesnt matter if you get 0 stacks or all 30. You sure i mean make the stacked ap and armor along with hour glass along with base. Find and abuse the ignore button. as mentioned before, zhonyas = fully stacked armguard, nlr, and 5 armor. [/quote] Akali, Katarina, Kennen, blah blah. [quote=caucheka]135 ap, 65 armor, and the active for 3410 gold?