2004 wurde Merant Software von Serena Software übernommen, wodurch das Unternehmen die Rechte am Im Januar 2012 wurden der Serena Service Manager (SSM) und der Serena Release Manager (SRM) als Finalisten des „Pink Elephant 2011 Innovation of the Year Award“ bekanntgegeben.Im März 2014 kündigte Serena die Übernahme des Unternehmens durch den, zwischenzeitlich ausgestiegenen, Gründer Doug Troxel und dem Serena helps the highly regulated large enterprise move fast without breaking things – increasing velocity of the software development lifecycle while enhancing security, compliance, and performance. Dazu gehören unter anderem folgende: Das Unternehmen operiert weltweit, beschäftigt über 400 MitarbeiterSerena ist aktuell ein Portfolio-Unternehmen der Investmentfirma Serena Software stellt prozessbasierte Lösungen für das Management und die Automatisierung von Serena bietet und bot eine Reihe von Softwareprodukten für Unternehmen an.

By July the company had total outstanding debt of US$410 million.In March 2014, Serena announced the acquisition of the company by a partnership of founder Doug Troxel and private equity firm HGGC.In 2016-03-22, Micro Focus announced its intent to acquire Serena Software, Inc., with acquisition expected to close in early May 2016, with transaction valued at The company provides process-based solutions for managing and automating application development, DevOps and IT operations. Serena Software entwickelt und vertreibt primär Software aus den Bereichen DevOps, Application Lifecycle Management und Mainframe.

Micro Focus acquired Serena Software in May 2016. This later became Serena Business Mashups (SBM), which was shortly renamed Serena Business Manager.In November 2005, Serena Software announced that it had agreed to be acquired by In October 2006, Serena announced the acquisition of Pacific Edge SoftwareIn September 2008 Serena announced the acquisition of Projity, an open source In November 2010, Serena announced a new strategy to orchestrate application delivery with a process-driven approach.In January 2012, Serena's solutions for Orchestrated IT, Serena Service Manager (SSM) and Serena Release Manager (SRM) were named finalists for the Pink Elephant 2011 Innovation of the Year Award.In February 2012, Serena Service Manager was named the winner of Pink Elephant's 2011 Innovation of the Year Award.During 2013 Serena tried to address falling profits and increase operating margins by reducing its workforce by some 175 employees, hoping to cut operating expenses for the fiscal year 2014. Serena Software acquired Merant Software in 2004 which provided Serena ownership rights to PVCS. About Serena Software Serena is among the largest Application Lifecycle Management vendors with more than 2,500 enterprise customers. Serena Software remains a legal entity and is a subsidiary of Micro Focus.

Serena Software acquired Merant Software in 2004 which provided Serena ownership rights to In May 2004, Serena announced it would acquire TeamShare, producers of the defect management system TeamTrack. Serena Software announced on Monday the appointment of Jeremy Burton, a former Symantec and Oracle official, as president and CEO. Serena Software ist ein US-amerikanisches Hochtechnologie-Unternehmen, dessen Hauptquartier im kalifornischen San Mateo, im sogenannten Silicon Valley liegt. Serena Software, a leading provider of Orchestrated IT management solutions to the Global 2000, today announced the appointment of Greg Hughes as … The company's revenues are generated through software licenses, maintenance contracts and professional services.Serena's products and solutions address the following industry segments: