‘Now as soon as we’re in let’s all get down to some serious business.’‘I’ll take the torch,’ said Romeo.

Even though it doesn’t move.’‘Don’t you move then,’ he whispered. I’m just going to watch.’He hung back and Mercutio put his arm around his shoulders. Come on.

I’ll carry it: I’m not going to dance.’‘Oh no you don’t,’ said Mercutio, shooing Horatio away. Behave yourself. Romeo and Juliet: Act 3, Scene 1 Translation. Yes, yes. Tybalt was dancing with a pretty girl, smiling and being charming, but you never knew what he was going to do. But let them measure us by what they will. More people were looking at them and he tried desperately to act normally. He was also keeping one eye on Tybalt, staying as far away from him as possible. She was too good for me. BACK; NEXT ; A side-by-side translation of Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet from the original Shakespeare into modern English. We’re just about to bring out some supper.’‘I’m not sure.’ I think he may be young Petruchio.’‘Alright then.’ Capulet was saying.

‘That’s it.

‘Don’t speak so badly of your hand. Instead of making her hand free as he had expected she smiled.‘No,’ she said. She was a dazzling jewel illuminating the dark night sky. I nursed her daughter – the one you were talking to. A brief prologue in the form of a sonnet tells us that we’re about to spend two hours watching a “star-crossed” love story that ends in death, but also reconciliation between the two conflicting houses to which the lovers belonged. That’s when the earthquake hit and the dovehouse started to shake. ‘Take it easy, my boy. Why had they stopped?

Well done. ‘I’ve been looking for you all over,’ he said. ‘You insolent pup! It made Romeo snap out of his trance. By my count, I was already your mother at around your age, while you remain a virgin. Struggling with distance learning? Romeo And Juliet Act 1 Scene 5 Essay Plan# August 3, 2020.

My husband—God rest his soul, he was a jolly man—picked Juliet up. ‘I’ve fallen in love with someone I hate! All his happiness – his very life – depended on his enemy!Benvolio’s voice broke into his thoughts.

So, to be brief: the valiant Paris wants to marry you.What do you say, Juliet? And I want to see you dancing. I’ll lay fourteen of my teeth—and yet, to my teen be itspoken, I have but four—she is not fourteen. You didn’t have to tell me to get out of there. called, my young lady asked for, the Nurse cursed in theMadam, the guests are here and dinner is served. “Wilt thou not, Jule?” quothEven or odd, of all the days in the year, she’ll be fourteen on the night of .
There was nothing new in that. It’s because of love that I’m not in the mood. I remember because just the day before she had cut her forehead. He’s so perfect it’s as if he were sculpted from wax.Verona in the summertime has no flower as fine as him.Lose nothing? ‘I know we mean no harm and all that but I don’t think it’s very bright to go to this party.’‘Let’s go,’ said Benvolio, ‘If we don’t get a move on all the food will be gone by the time we get there.’‘I have this feeling,’ said Romeo. Can you love this gentleman? That’s enough. ‘and you’ve taken my sins away with that kiss.’‘Here, let me take it back,’ he said. Too bad if they don’t like us.’Horatio nodded. She couldn’t be real: such beauty wasn’t possible. “Oh,” he said, “Did you fall on your face? It’s out of fashion to give lengthy explanations like that. Romeo. Let me tell you, anyone who can get her will be in the money.’But Romeo wasn’t listening. He reached out and took one of them.He felt her tense up slightly but before she could pull her hand away he leant forward and whispered in her ear.‘If you find my hands too rough, I have two gentle lips ready to soothe you.’To his surprise she relaxed.

‘You’re not going, are you? ‘You’d have to go to Friar Lawrence’s chapel for that: the saint’s statue that stands there grants prayers.

Lovers are always in the mood for dancing.’‘Not me. Juliet, Paris is waiting for you.Go, girl, and look for the man who will give you happy nights at the end of happy days. Tell me, Juliet, my daughter—what do you think about getting married?“An honor!” If I weren’t the only nurse you’ve had, I’d say you’d sucked wisdom from the breast that fed you.What a man, young lady!

There was no need to draw attention to themselves.‘Alright, then,’ said Romeo. Your husband and you were in Mantua.

Actually understand Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 3. Suppose she rejected him!

Stay still and answer my prayer.’She turned her head then and allowed him to kiss her. ‘If you must.’ He shook hands with the four friends, pointed at Mercutio and laughed again. Well, you should start thinking about marriage. Time to go. He didn’t take it in, though – his mind was completely preoccupied with the heavenly image before him, moving so gracefully to the music.‘Who’s that girl dancing with that fellow over there?’ he said, indicating the couple.‘I don’t know, Sir,’ the man mumbled. I swear by my virginity at age twelve, I told her to come. ‘You’d disrupt my party? Capulet had opened all the doors and it was cooler there. “Won’t you, Jule,” he said. Only those girls with corns on their feet will say no.’‘I’m a doctor tonight.’ he told a group of girls, beaming. He winked at her. LitCharts uses cookies to personalize our services. Your guests call for you and Juliet, while the servants in the pantry are cursing the Nurse. His page was hovering, trying to hide the rapier behind his back.‘You won’t take it?’ Capulet’s voice had risen. Go in, go in.
‘Are we going to make some excuse for coming without being invited?’ said Romeo. But I won’t let myself fall for him any more than your permission allows.We’ll follow you. ‘Don’t stand there, come in.

Everyone thinks he’s handsome, and whoever becomes his bride would be equally loved. Romeo and Juliet: Act 1, Scene 5 Translation.

You’re not spoiling my party.