XD You could say that there's an artistic angle to all this fighting, shooting and banging, but then that would be a lie - Showdown in Little Tokyo is a classic in a completely different sense of the word. Showdown In Little Tokyo might be the campiest, most hilarious classic eighties/early nineties buddy cop film I've ever seen. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. Feb 24, 2017. The reason this movie works so well, is because of it's utter ridiculousness.

So the stereotypical roles have been somewhat flipped on their head.

Another delightfully cheesy action movie from the guy who brought us COMMANDO and CLASS OF 1999. Brandon Lee is pretty funny, making lots of wise-cracks through out the film and Dolph gives a pretty good performance as a man looking for revenge. SHOWDOWN IN LITTLE TOKYO is full of clichés from start to finish, contains an incredibly poor script, bad acting, and tons of gratuitous sex and violence.

As 80's Action movies gasped their dying breaths, and 90's Action movies took their place, Showdown in Little Tokyo had the good fortune of managing to run up the qualities of both.

Very sad to know we would not be able go on to see more work like this from Brandon Lee. Showdown In Little Tokyo might be the campiest, most hilarious classic eighties/early nineties buddy cop film I've ever seen. 5 out of 9 found this helpful.

Indeed. A violent and dumb exploitation B-movie martial arts film helmed by Mark L. Lester (“Groupie”/”Commando”) and written by Stephen Glantz and Caliope Brattlestreet. Review of buddy-cop action film “Showdown in Little Tokyo” (1991). Was this review helpful? View All Photos (7) Seeing it again on TV just brings back a lot of memories. Mark L. Lester's... total inability to restrain himself from pumping up every explosion... and murdering each villain... twice, allows for a hugely entertaining time machine to 1991. 27 out of 28 found this helpful. Indeed. What more do you want? Fun B-grade martial arts movie. Maybe some people want more plot and acting, but these are the probably the same people I was talking about in my review of Van Damme's 'Cyborg'. Oh and he's kickass at martial arts too, of course. Drama 5 out of 9 found this helpful. Dolph Lundgren stars as police detective Chris Kenner, an American raised in Japan. August 26, 2005 18 out of 22 found this helpful. Secondly there's actually a training montage, I shit you not. Your Ticket Confirmation # is located under the header in your email that reads "Your Ticket Reservation Details". Was this review helpful? It makes for a mindless thriller that has little going for it but senseless mayhem, a large body count and bad acting. Dolph Lundgren is obviously gonna be the heavyweight, bull in a china shop, all American trigger happy cop. If you want to watch a bunch of guys pounding the crap out of each other and be entertained for about an hour and a half, give this one a chance. Mark Lester's directorial star is still Arnie's Commando, the epitome of 80's action, bad one liners, fashion, though it had less sex and nudity, but the violence was still up there. They decide to fight like men and in doing so grab swords from some of the people in the parade who are dressed in traditional Japanese period attire. Rachen Assapiomonwait This film is Great. Despite the tits and guns, there is some kind of story: Kenner (Lundgren) is on a mission of vengeance. Was this review helpful?

There is no plot to this film. The big predictable finale is unfortunately just as bad and cliched as the rest of the movie. September 17, 2002

A neat twist on the racial casting typical of the format, with a white guy raised in Japan, and a Japanese descended American who doesn't give a fuck about the culture. But Lundgren would just be a character without a cause if it weren't for the amazing writing and directing, and to be honest, Tia Carrere's boobs.

This is the worst acting i have ever seen in a movie.. Yes this movie is a disappointment to be sure. So once again we have the typical 80/90's buddy cop/odd couple flick, combining two characters who are supposedly polar opposites.

This of course means tonnes more faceless henchmen for the duo to kill because they have their invincibility cheat mode on. Sidney Poitier’s 7 Most Memorable Performances The plot is painfully predictable, cliche and unoriginal, its basically a rehash of 'Lethal Weapon' (weren't they all). Vernee Watson-Johnson The two are assigned to L.A.'s Little Tokyo, trying to nab the notorious Yoshida (Carey-Hiroyuki Tagawa), a drug manufacturer using a local brewery as his distribution center. View All Photos (7)

Still no police to be seen.