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He first attended In 1954, a year after completing his studies in France, he won the Throughout his life bouts of disease plagued him, and he spent two years in hospital at one point.He may not be embraced by fellow Christians—Catholics, in particular.His books reflect many of his childhood experiences, including the stigma of being an outsider, the experience of being a foreigner, the life of a hospital patient, and the struggle with tuberculosis. They moved to Kobe, where his mother's sister lived, and she convinced Endo and his mother to convert to her Catholic faith.

Soon after Endō was born in Tokyo in 1923, his family moved to Dalian, part of the Kwantung Leased Territory in Manchuria. Shusaku Endo (遠藤周作), born in Tokyo in 1923, was raised by his mother and an aunt in Kobe where he converted to Roman Catholicism at the age of eleven. Most of his characters struggle with complex moral dilemmas, and their choices often produce mixed or tragic results.

When his parents divorced in 1933, Endō's mother brought him back to Japan to live with an aunt in Kobe. A famous contemporary Japanese writer, he won many major literary awards.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Some say this was brought on by his mother, who had converted to Catholicism after her divorce, while others state the aunt instigated the initiation.

He was married to Okada Junko.

However, his books mainly deal with the moral fabric of life. Japanese literature, the body of written works produced by Japanese authors in Japanese or, in its earliest beginnings, at a time when Japan had no written language, in the Chinese classical language. In response to the first comments, we normally do have interlanguage links.

Perhaps when this article was last worked on, there wasn't a corresponding article.

He was a writer and actor, known for The Sea and Poison (1986), Silence (2016) and Saraba natsuno hikariyo (1976). He also received honorary doctorates from a … Endō was baptized as a Catholic at the age of 11 or 12 in the year 1934.

History at your fingertips

Shûsaku Endô was born on March 27, 1923 in Sugamo, Tokyo, Japan. At Endō Shūsaku, (born March 27, 1923, Tokyo, Japan—died Sept. 29, 1996, Tokyo), Japanese novelist noted for his examination of the relationship between East and West through a Christian perspective. His Catholic faith can be seen at some level in all of his books and it is often a central feature.

Both in quantity and quality, Japanese literature ranks as one of the major literatures of the… Nearly the entire land area is taken up by the country’s four main islands;… When he was 10 years old his parents split up, and he moved with his mother back to Japan. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Endō became a Roman Catholic at age 11 with the encouragement of his mother and an aunt.

In 1982, he was elected to the Japan Arts Academy.

-unsigned comment added by User:Kintetsubuffalo.

It consists of a great string of islands in a northeast-southwest arc that stretches for approximately 1,500 miles (2,400 km) through the western North Pacific Ocean.

This article is within the scope of WikiProject Biography, a collaborative effort to create, ... His name is Shusaku Endo, not Endo Shusaku.

Biography of Shusaku Endo Shusaku Endo was born in Tokyo and grew up in Manchuria, China, where his father was transferred for work.

He died on September 29, 1996 in Tokyo. Endo’s eternal theme was “the Japanese and Christianity.” When he was forcibly baptized as a small boy, he recalled feeling that he had to “make this ready-made suit fit my body or get rid of it and find another suit that fitted…” When he became an adult, he researched deeply into Christianity. His alma mater is not the only university Endō is associated with.

Shusaku Endo was born in Tokyo in 1923, but spent his early years in China.

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At age 12 he was baptized as a Catholic, and embraced this faith as an adult.

Shusaku Endo (1923–1996) was born in Tokyo, graduated from Keio University, then studied in Lyon, France.

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