"They'll call me purty soon". Relevance. Lv 4. Created by teachers, our study guides highlight the really important stuff you need to know. He is big with broad shoulders, walks like a bear, and has no arm movement when he walks.

RE: what doea soledad mean in of mice and men? George is a smart, quick-witted man, who seems to need mental stimulation from a companion, which he cannot have in his relationship with Lennie. Explain the significance of the theme of loneliness in the novel. Soledad was highly regarded for its sense of community and high amount of volunteerism. Candy offered his services to become a part of George and Lennie's friendship and dream, this is one of Candy's desperate attempts to find a place in society and meaning in life by making himself useful to someone, by proposing the various things he could do to show that he is in fact useful and could bring a lot in the dream as well, "I could cook and tend the chickens and hoe the garden some" "you'll let me hoe in the garden" An, I'll wash the dishes an, little chicken stuff like that?. 0 0. Soledad is also the setting of the story in John Steinbeck's novel, Of Mice and Men.

of mice and men was set in Soledad, California, during the great depression of the 1930s. 5 years ago. The water is warm too, for Both George and Candy are lonely, even though they have companionship. Arnie. George dresses neat and tidy, while Lennie dresses very scruffy. And Lennie doesn't always understand what George is talking about, as Crooks points out; "Sometimes he talks, and you don't know what the hell he's talkin about. In contrast, when they are at the ranch, all of the working men sleep in one bunkhouse. Candy thinks that nobody wants to be friends with him because of this disability. How is George described? Loneliness affects many of the characters, and Steinbeck seems to show that it is a natural and inevitable result of the kind of life they are forced to lead.

She struggled in her society to find somebody that she could befriend in vain. Candy has one true friend in the world, his dog, which he cannot even talk to.

Just by the description of George and Lennie, you can clearly see that Lennie is the George is talking with Lennie about loneliness in chapter one: Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. He hopes that these friends can be George and Lennie. Moving from ranch to ranch every couple months didn't give the rancher much time to make friends. In the descriptions of these two men their appearance is completely different. 'Soledad' means loneliness.

doea soledad mice men. One of the most important lessons we learn in Of Mice and Men is that Friendship and human interaction are two very valuable things, and that having them is as much as a right as it is a privilege, that we much treasure as it keeps us away from loneliness. Soledad means loneliness. George is much more dominant because he has all the control over Lennie and is much cleverer therefore he would know what to do in difficult Compared to the other ranch people George and Lennie seem happy, they have each other and they have their dream. The men on the ranch are consistently proving themselves to each other on how 'manly' they are.

His life is the total opposite of his name because the name 'Candy' gives us an image of sweet things but the character Candy is the total opposite.

The workers are caught up in the trap of loneliness, they never stay in one place long enough to form permanent relationships. Eventually, he tries to find friendship by attempting to join the dream of George and Lennie. I can go away any time". Even though they have companionship, they need something deeper and more meaningful. Of Mice And Men is about migrant farm workers in the Grat "The novel Of Mice and Men is based upon the lonely lives of wandering ranchers in the 1930s. 7 Answers. © 2003 - 2015 Marked by Teachers. Soledad means loneliness. How is Lennie described? All the characters are extremely lonely and unhappy with their lives except Slim, who is the only character that seems to be confident and happy with his life. In the bunkhouse, the men often play 'solitaire', and so Steinbeck again emphasises the atmosphere of loneliness even on the ranch where there are many people working. That is until Curley's wife arrives. Already have an account? 0 0. 1 decade ago. Living lonely, solitary lives. Allison. George and Lennie are very different, physically as well as mentally, even thought they talk to each other, we can sense that they are both on a different level. After Candy lost his dog, he felt much more lonely than he was before.

short, small, slim, and a working man. John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men CHAPTER 1 A FEW MILES south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and green. TurnItIn – the anti-plagiarism experts are also used by: Because of his age and disability, he has a feeling of uselessness. Lennie drags his feet when he walks and acts like an animal.