When Roku confronted him years later about his actions in the Earth Kingdom, Sozin attacked him by unleashing a massive wave of fire against him, even though he did not have access to the power Sozin's Comet provided. However, unlike his more militaristic son Azulon, grandson Ozai, and great-granddaughter Azula, Sozin, at least initially, saw his war with the other nations as a case of 'ends justifying means'- he hoped not simply to increase his own power, but to provide the other nations with the Fire Nation's higher standard of living and perceived better system of order.Sozin was close to his family, as he was genuinely worried about his father's well-being when the Sozin was able to absorb and redirect the heat from the lava that consumed Like many Fire Lords, Sozin was a powerful firebending master. Succeeded as Fire Lord by his son Azulon, he was grandfather to Iroh and Ozai and great-grandfather to Lu Ten, Zuko, and Azula.

The two engaged in a short battle, with Roku finally destroying most of the Twelve years after Roku died, Sozin used the power of a comet to enhance the abilities of his firebending army and launched a genocidal attack on the Air Nomads in an attempt to kill the new Avatar and break the One of his lesser-known military accomplishments during this period was the As his reign carried on and the war escalated, Sozin established a cult of personality centered upon himself and the royal family, one that would be upheld through the reigns of Azulon and Ozai after him.

According to Azula in a later recounting of the event, their defenses burned to a crisp in minutes. Back then, he was just Prince Sozin. We have to go over 100 years back to Sozin and Roku. Numerous monuments were constructed in reverence of himself, and the imperialist regime enforced various forms of propaganda that established Sozin as a higher, benevolent being. However, he was still no match for Roku, who had all four elements and the Sozin was an intelligent strategist. You were friends with Fire Lord Sozin?

However, Roku was greatly disturbed by this, telling Sozin that the four nations were meant to be separate and that he should not think of this again.

And he was my best friend. Such propaganda included the false claim that the Air Nomads possessed an army when in truth they were a pacifist culture.In 20 AG, Sozin died at the age of 102, and it was rumored that he lived to be older due to the influence of the power of the comet.Originally honest and kindhearted, the desire for power changed Sozin into a ruthless and cruel man.Sozin was ruthless as Fire Lord, as demonstrated by his ordering the genocide of the Air Nomads simply to locate and destroy a single obstacle to his power, and his decision to start the tradition of hunting dragons despite having one as a companion. Although not clearly stated, the Fire Nation Royal Family may require members to do some military work, with the Fire Lord having command over the armed forces. Roku, however, replied that the Fire Lord should not challenge him, as it would "only end badly", leading Sozin to wrathfully attack him. The Fire Nation Royal Family is the ruling family of the Fire Nation.

Sozin was the ruler of the Fire Nation from 58 BG until his death in 20 AG, and the instigator of the Hundred Year War. What about Inez?

However, Sozin also saw the wedding as his best opportunity to talk with his friend about his future plans. The royal family played an important role in the Hundred Year War: Fire Lord Sozin instigated the conflict

when roku was helpless on the floor asking for help, why didn't sozin give the coup de grace, instead of letting him die slowly from ... We have to go over 100 years back to Sozin and Roku.

As they were both At their sixteenth birthday celebration, Roku was unexpectedly told by the In 58 BG, Sozin ascended to the throne following the death of his father.In 54 BG, twelve years after his departure, Roku returned to the Fire Nation. The Fire Lord even willingly ignored old customs of respect for the Avatar and happily hugged Roku just like in their youth. Subsequently, the Fire Lord approached Roku shortly after the wedding and took a walk with him.

The history of the Fire Nation royal family.