stoop definition: 1. to bend the top half of the body forward and down: 2.

He captures a woman to be his wife, and it's this action that ultimately leads to his undoing. That night Stoop Kid is very upset and as Arnold is going home from an errand of grocery shopping, he hears Stoop Kid wailing and goes to find out what's wrong. Park then arrives and accidently pours rubbish on him. He has thus lived his entire life on the stoop and is afraid to leave it. stoop ⇒ vi intransitive ... Verb with adverb(s) or preposition(s), having special meaning, not divisible--for example,"go with" [=combine nicely]: "Those red shoes don't go with my dress." The kids in my area and I were all in the same boat, so we started having stoop get-togethers to work off our energy. But, with a little cultivation, it could become a virtual paradise. Tenements originally referred to large buildings divided into separate apartments, but the word was later used to mean run down, poorly maintained apartment buildings. Unfortunately, she has no yard, but this stoop has provided her with a place to sit when she wants to get some fresh air. Stoops is a way of saying stupid, it was coined in the movie kids " damn i buff and the other kid would be like stoops " by Peanut butta Hipopotmous October 25, 2003 Get the Stoops neck gaiter and mug. @cloudel – I grew up without a yard, and it was rough. Gerald stresses again that Stoop Kid never leaves his stoop.

Stoop Kid replies that he could leave his stoop but prefers to stay where he is, after all is still known for his alias. Arnold and the others are playing football in the street.

Arnold and Gerald laugh and deduce that Stoop Kid never leaves his stoop out of fear. To bend forward and down from the waist or the middle of the back: had to stoop in order to fit into the cave. We go to a public park instead. I've seen some that are really narrow and steep, while others are wider than they are long. Hanover police are looking for the vandal who has tagged 'Stoop Kid' around the Whippany section of Hanover.

Even though he's no longer afraid to leave his stoop, he continues to call it home. But considering He even says slyly that he can now harrass people from on and off his stoop. Bubble boy is also done in by his need for companionship, playing a game of Trivial Pursuit with George that ends with his bubble getting popped.Stoop kid, however, is a companionship camel. A disappointed Arnold tells him that it wasn't the point of him helping him leaving the stoop. Stoop Kid is an episode of Hey Arnold!. Eventually, Stoop Kid is persuaded to leave his stoop by Arnold and uses his freedom to unleash unholy hell on his tormentors. But, with a little cultivation, it could become a virtual paradise. The kids in my area and I were all in the same boat, so we started having stoop get-togethers to work off our energy. History. If someone stoops, their head and…. First Arnold shows him how to step off, but he refuses.

Even after he gained the ability to leave his stoop, he still chose to stay there for almost the entire remainder of the series. Stoops aren't found much in modern New York construction, but were once commonly added to tenements and brownstones in areas such as Harlem and Brooklyn.

ing, stoops v.intr. When Arnold proves Stoop Kid's afraid to leave his stoop, he feels sorry for him and helps him to overcome his fears.

My best friend lives in an old apartment building, and she has a brick stoop. The problem is that the heat in the summertime radiating off of the building and the street makes the stoop a very hot place. Clear answers for common questions Eventually, Stoop Kid is persuaded to leave his stoop by Arnold and uses his freedom to unleash unholy hell on his tormentors.So why is Stoop Kid our pick to win the Quar Award (we'll think of a better name later) for successful isolation amidst a pandemic? See more. Stoop Kid is at first fearful as he hadn't expected to be watched by so many people, but Arnold urges him to keep on, even showing him a picture of the Little Engine from the story he had read. Adults also commonly socialized outdoors on stoops in nice weather. He opens his eyes to see that he has finally left his stoop. He watches Stoop Kid eat and watch television, wash his hair and finally reading what he considers a great book called Arnold finally falls asleep and has a dream of the stoop being much bigger than he is and tries to get the football while the stoop starts to crumble around him.

Sweeping them was a daily activity for many residents. A "stoop kid" is similar to a " street punk " though they don't necessarily subscribe to punk subculture. The word comes from the Dutch Brownstones are row houses that may be made with some of the reddish brown rock of the same name. There are a lot of concrete stoops in my neighborhood.

He is an aggressive bully, shouting at pedestrians and those who get too close to his stoop, however he himself is bullied by the neighborhood kids as well. The other kids are very angry and blame Arnold for spoiling their game, knowing how dangerous Stoop Kid is. Stoop: to descend to a level that is beneath one's dignity. Arnold gives the football a massive kick, but unfortunately it lands on the steps of a stoop belonging to a boy known only as Stoop Kid who is very protective of it and harrases and harms any passerby who touches or even looks at it. Children used an old broom handle as a bat and a rubber ball as a baseball.Another related child's game involved throwing a rubber ball on the stairs.