3) He could subsist on bark and grass roots in the isolated island.

Jeff will have to subsist on ten dollars until he receives his next paycheck. 3. 2. 1 decade ago. Sometimes a man will labour for weeks and months in unproductive ground, following up a small vein in the hope of its leading into a good lode, and making so little by his hard toil that on pay day of each month he is compelled to ask his employer for "subsist" -- or a small advance of money -- to enable him to live and go on with his work. From these crops the people obtain the food on which they are to Yet both animals may live in the same pool, and may You must be aware that I have nothing but my pension and half-pay to Among dogs, the Esquimaux is the only breed that can Can hope and fear at once the soul possess, Or hope Lee wrote to Colonel Lamb, its commandant, saying that he could not And, in their coarse contempt for dainty foods, Subsist on Truffles, which they find in woods. 3. 0 0 0. | To retain a certain state; to continue. Gannet - To subsist by the wings of his virtue and merit, having little land to rest upon. 31) Almost every employee must moonlight in second jobs simply to 32) For a split second I thought I should let them know why I had to come here, so that they would let me 33) Either it is a well-arranged universe or a chaos huddled together, but still a universe. 14) The islanders inhabit the coastal strip only, and 20) Whoever has no such necessary activities will not 22) Newspapers, commercial radio and television companies could not 27) Thus many primitive animals retain an ancient form and 28) These fishes enjoy both live and frozen adult brine shrimp and seem to 29) The Shuto is a symbol of a transport hierarchy in which cars cruise among the rooftops while pedestrians 30) I was very sorry to tell him that the little I had would not Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact: Yet others who subsist on strictly regulated breath and offer. No one knows what such people subsist on. the officer clarified. Now, God is His own power which subsists by itself. Subsist in a sentence 1) We had to subsist on bread and water. How to use Subsist in a Sentence? Sentence with the word subsist. frankiquilts. They generally prefer forested areas and subsist on fruit and seeds. 15. Subsist definition, to exist; continue in existence. | (chiefly philosophy) To have ontological reality; to exist. They would subsist whilst donating any excess produce to the poor. Subsist in a sentence 31) The living things on the earth could not subsist on Mars. (verb) If there are remaining lingering anti-feminist feelings in an old boys club, this is an example of when anti-feminist feelings subsist. 2.

It's difficult to see subsist in a sentence . That was the food supply on which we were going to subsist after the apocalypse. Login to reply the answers Post; dougan. Lv 4. 16. Wiki User. How do you use the word subsist in a sentence? Was anyone helping him subsist illegally in his upstairs apartment?

Many subsist by selling everything from bootlegged CDs to homegrown fruits. We were now in the primeval wilderness and had to subsist off the land. Subsisted sentence examples The harmonious relations which subsisted between the two branches of the Wettins were disturbed by the interference of Maurice in Cleves, a proceeding distasteful to the Saxon elector, John Frederick; and a dispute over the bishopric of Meissen having widened the breach, war was only averted by the mediation of Philip of Hesse and Luther. what's a sentence for the word subsist? subsist definition: Subsist is to continue to exist or to stay alive. 6 Answers. a love that was as great as any that ever did subsist Sentence with the word subsist. Subsist sentence examples subsist It marks the relations which subsist between all members of the plant world, including those between existing groups and those which are known only from their fossilized remains preserved in the rocks. 32) We are unable to subsist without air and water. 1. 385), Spanish theologian and the founder of a party which, in spite of severe persecution for heresy, continued to The " ordinary " ecclesiastical tribunals of the later middle ages still Its chief importance is perhaps the stress which it laid on the vital connexion which must Between pure being and substances stand the ideas or forms, which Besides the sedentary Cirripedia, numbers of the smaller forms, especially among the Entomostraca, For as nature manifests the substance of the many to This was justly regarded by him as an important service to his country and one of the triumphs of his career, and he hoped to obtain further successes with the assistance of Germany, but the cordial relations between the cabinets of St Petersburg and Berlin did not But these beliefs are far from being confined to the uncivilized; Greek philosophers like Porphyry, no less than the fathers of the Church, held that the world was pervaded with spirits; side by side with the belief in witchcraft, we can trace through the middle ages the survival of primitive animistic views; and in our own day even these beliefs The controversy between nominalists and realists arose from a passage in Boethius' translation of Porphyry's Introduction to the Categories of Aristotle, which propounded the problem of genera and species, (1) as to whether they The scribes were mainly busied with the law; but no religion can On the 1st of January 1831, without a dollar of capital, and without a single subscriber, he and his partner Isaac Knapp (1804-1843) issued the first number of the Liberator, avowing their "determination to print it as long as they could Thrusting aside all the multitudinous deities of Egypt and all the mythology even of Heliopolis, he devoted himself to the cult of the visible sun-disk, applying to it as its chief name the hitherto rare word Aton, meaning sun; the traditional divine name Harakht (Horus of the horizon), given to the hawk-headed sun-god of Heliopolis, was however allowed to Whilst Sankara's mendicant followers were prohibited to touch fire and had to The length of the style is determined by the relation which should In habits some of the species are nocturnal and others diurnal; but all The climate is generally such as to secure the population the necessaries of life without severe labour; the extremes of heat and drought are such as to render the land unsuitable for pasture, and the people everywhere Benares, having from time immemorial been a holy city, contains a vast number of Brahmans, who either Even amongst savages there are few communities, and those but sparse, which These pass imperceptibly into - (5) the arid desert, where rainfall is at a minimum, and the only plants are those modified to The country was studded thickly with burgi(small forts) and clausurae (long walls), the ruins of which still This was accomplished by a series of constitutions known as the " Fifty Decisions" (Quinquaginta decisiones), along with which there were published other ordinances amending the law in a variety of points, in which old and now inconvenient rules had been suffered to But within the larger union the inner and closer union between Holland and Zeeland continued to In different groups of mammals the dentition is variously specialized in accordance with the nature of the food on which the members of these groups The essential features of the mark organization still There are links, also, which unite Moses with Kenite, Rechabite, Calebite and Edomite families, and the Levitical names themselves are equally connected with the southern tribes - of Judah and Simeon and with the Edomites.4 It is to be inferred, therefore, that some relationship The bold criticism of Middleton's recently (174.9) published Free Enquiry into the Miraculous Powers which are supposed to have Owing to its endurance of thirst the long desert journeys which separate the populous centres are made practicable, and in the spring months, when green forage is plentiful in the desert, the Bedouins pitch their camps for long periods far from any water, and not only men but horses This is because both dogs and cats are very popular pets and because they After all, it is technically possible to be a vegetarian and They are tasked with creating a sustainable living environment where they could The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage.