A breakfast casserole is the perfect solution for a holiday breakfast or brunch. It also happens to be an easy Whole30 and … This easy Cinnamon Roll Breakfast Bake recipe is the best for a weekend breakfast, holiday or brunch! I actually fry my bacon on my cast iron skillet on the grill outside. I started this site a few years ago as a way to justify my sugary, buttery obsession with desserts. Not only does it make your veggies taste amazing, it is a small amount and everything in moderation is perfectly fine.

The main ingredients in any breakfast casserole dish are normally eggs, some sort of meat, cheese and sometimes crescent bread for the crust.

It’s stellar for all the brunches and breakfast-for-dinners. This casserole with sweet potatoes, eggs, and bacon is delicious and filling. You can add it once you whisked the eggs and then mix it into the whisked eggs. I don’t make them very often…and I have no idea why. I love a good breakfast casserole.

What Ingredients Are In Sweet Potato Breakfast Casserole?

The bacon was a great addition!What a lovely DIY cake you made, thanks for sharing Oooh! I’m Shelly and I’m an addict. This casserole with sweet potatoes, eggs, and bacon is delicious and filling.Serve this amazing breakfast casserole for any holiday gathering. It has worked out well for me so far, because as it turns out you guys all love sugary, buttery desserts too!

It will feed a crowd and leave them satisfied with lots of healthy protein. Because it’s totally easy!Has anyone tried this recipe with flax eggs or chia eggs? Thanks, Shelly!Can’t wait to try this!! (Not bacon bits) I have taken it to work in the morning too. At least 50% of the fat is the same heart-healthy fat that you will find in olive oil.To make your holiday brunch even easier, you can prepare this breakfast casserole in advance.Bake it fully and keep it in the refrigerator for up to four days before reheating.It’s great for a crowd or for a nutritious breakfast when you don’t have lots of time in the morning.Another great meal prep breakfast solution are these One of the many great things about breakfast casserole is that is a great freezer meal. If you plan to keep it longer than that, freeze it. Side note: where’s the blue floral dish from?Hi! Remove baking dish from the oven and pour the egg mixture on top of the roasted veggies into the super hot baking dish, give it a quick mix, sprinkle cheese evenly on top and return to the oven to bake for 15 minutes + 5 minutes under the broiler.Remove from the oven and let rest for approximately 5-10 minutes, then cut into 8 pieces and serve immediately. Cook the bacon in a skillet or arrange on a baking sheet covered with foil and bake until crispy. Try some of these ingredients in your casserole:In this casserole, I cook the bacon first in the same pan I plan to use for the rest of the casserole. Be sure to I’ve made this several times for my family and we all love it! Please disable your adblocking software or whitelist our website.This site uses cookies to help provide the best user experience. Prep Time 25 mins. I love the smell of bacon, but don’t love the lingering odor it gives my house for the next 2 days after frying…SO the grill solves my problem!And did I mention there’s icing involved? Sounds perfect for this weekend.

The sweet potato hash browns in this recipe will be filling enough to take the place of bread. You will only need to heat it in the oven for about 20 minutes or until hot all the way through after thawing it.Yay! Set aside. It feels good to know you're not alone, doesn’t it?Advertisements fund this website. Love this combination of salty and sweet, too!