Blood pressure at follow-up indicates the management of blood pressure among a period of time after discharge, while the one at discharge demonstrates a better state of blood pressure in BAD patients after regular management by clinicians in inpatient department. 2015;34(4):503–8.Fujishima S, Takiguchi T, Ibaraki A, Shimazoe H, Hagiwara R, Koyanagi Y, et al. Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society. By using this website, you agree to our 2014;72(12):1169–252.Erbel R, Alfonso F, Boileau C, Dirsch O, Eber B, Haverich A, et al.

Guidelines recommend tight systolic blood pressure (SBP) control for favorable outcomes of type B aortic dissection (BAD) but are still limited by the optimal cut-off value of SBP.

BAD involving the distal aortic arch are characterized by a high risk of rapidly expanding false lumens which may result in increments of vascular resistance and then effect blood pressure management. Kardiol Pol. All authors reviewed this manuscript and approved the final version to be published. J vascular Int radiology : JVIR.

Interdisciplinary expert consensus document on management of type B aortic dissection. Jama.

1 However, TEVAR bears the risk of unusual, previously unanticipated, severe complications.

The cut-off value of SBP at discharge identified by receiver operator curve was 130 mmHg for 90-day ARAE. In the case of a dissection, a cloth-covered stent graft is used to seal the tear in the aorta. 2016 ESC/EAS guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidaemias.

Procedures performed for non-dissection related pathology, as well as ATBAD with malperfusion and/or rupture were excluded. Type-selective benefits of medications in treatment of acute aortic dissection (from the international registry of acute aortic dissection [IRAD]). Stroke. 2013;77(3):789–828.Kische S, Ehrlich MP, Nienaber CA, Rousseau H, Heijmen R, Piquet P, et al. You can also search for this author in In brief, multi-center, large sample studies are needed to clarify these problems in the future.In this study, we recorded blood pressure at discharge instead of at follow-up. Ninety-day ARAE was used for statistical analysis in our study.ARAE were defined as aortic related death, new dissection, progression of aortic dissection (aortic rupture, necessitating surgical procedure or TEVAR after discharge), malperfusion (bowel ischemia, renal ischemia and lower limb ischemia), paraplegia, major stroke or endoleaks [One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the distribution of all variables. Kardiol Pol.

Based on previous studies, CVD patients were older, more often had hypertension and atherosclerosis, and presented more frequently with symptoms such as syncope, hypotension, shock and pulse deficit [Hybrid operation and insertion of ≥2 stents were risk factors for poor blood pressure. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work was acquired from all authors.All procedures were approved by the Ethics Committee of Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital. Recent years, several studies have confirmed that SBP at discharge was a significant predictor for long-term outcomes [CVD was a risk factor of ARAE in BAD patients after TEVAR in the present study. It may be difficult to control SBP at discharge for patients with hybrid operation and ≥ 2 stents. TEVAR was performed according to the procedure described by Dake et al. Patients with ≥2 stents presented with a large range of dissection, which mainly involved renal arteries, as described by a previous study [Antihypertensive medications play a main role in the management of BAD. Endovascular stent-graft placement for the treatment of acute aortic dissection.

Treatment of acute type-B aortic dissection. Sex, the classification of BMI, tobacco abuse, alcohol abuse, hypertension, DM, PAD, CVD, CAD, dyslipidemia, stage of BAD, operative procedure, number of stentand medications at discharge were categorical variables and they were shown as counts and percentages.

All procedures were approved by the Ethics Committee of Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital. 2013;61(16):1661–78.Pellerin O, Garcon P, Beyssen B, Raynaud A, Rossignol P, Jacquot C, et al. 2014 ESC guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of aortic diseases. On univariate analysis, the 1-14 day treatment group had a higher proportion of cases requiring re-intervention within 30 days (15.3%) compared to UATBAD patients undergoing TEVAR within 15-90 days (5.2%;p = 0.02). 2013;6(8):876–82.Erbel R, Aboyans V, Boileau C, Bossone E, Di Bartolomeo R, Eggebrecht H, et al. 2009;138(1):115–24.Fattori R, Tsai TT, Myrmel T, Evangelista A, Cooper JV, Trimarchi S, et al.

Aortic dissection occurs when a tear develops in the wall of the aorta. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the optimal cut-off value of SBP in BAD patients after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR).

The Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI) TEVAR and complex endovascular aortic repair registry was analyzed from 2010 to 2019. Further studies on blood pressure might provide new preventive and therapeutic strategies for aortic dissection.Raw data supporting the obtained results are available at the corresponding author.The international registry of acute aortic dissectionTsai TT, Fattori R, Trimarchi S, Isselbacher E, Myrmel T, Evangelista A, et al. Eur Heart J. All patients were followed up according to a strict follow-up protocol. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013;15(1):63–8.Nassif ME, Tibrewala A, Raymer DS, Andruska A, Novak E, Vader JM, et al. Am J Cardiol.