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Right from cooking, … These businesses profit from it, but they’re not the reason it exists.Mother’s Day was started in the early 20th century by an American, Anna Jarvis, who incidentally never became a mother. The Reason We Celebrate Mother's Day. May 2, 2016. So, if this is mother’s day, and you want to make your mom feel special, then you can make a special dessert that makes her day more enjoyable. 1 M in Mother is for… Meals But how did anyone come up with the idea of Mother’s Day in the first place? Some of them were smelly, some were gooey and others were downright disgusting, but I always felt better after a dose of mom’s home remedy, a kiss on the cheek and a reassuring word. Thank your mum for all the times she saved you from and let her know how much you love and care about her. Her efforts were unsuccessful, but her “Appeal to womanhood throughout the world”, written in 1870, partly as a response to America’s long and bloody civil war, came to be known as the “Mother’s Day Proclamation”. She always wake-up earlier for us and prepare meals for us and never want a single holiday, so I think we should salute her attempts.

Born in 1864, she was 12 years old when she heard her mother, Ann Marie Jarvis, praying that she hoped someone would start a commemoration day to recognise the service mothers render to humanity in every field of life. They can determine the difference between a cry of annoyance or one of pain. Tell them it was born of community work to improve living conditions, and that it’s a day to honour not only one’s own mother but all mothers. But many people have never even heard of Anna and Ann Marie Jarvis, or of the prequel to Anna Jarvis’ story.In 1872, when Anna was only about eight years old, another American had already lobbied for Mother’s Day. She teaches us how to walk, then run in a world that only wants to knock us down. Scott told me that, every year on his birthday, he sends his mother flowers and a note telling his mother just how much he appreciates her. Because that’s what motherhood is all about. It is one of those occasions when everyone takes some time out of their busy schedules and marks the day with their mom. Reasons Why We Should Celebrate Mother’s Day, Everyday! But while there's no question that the woman who raised us deserves our utmost gratitude and affection, there are actually deeper reasons as to why we celebrate Mother's Day … Mom is always there to cheer us on to greatness or to offer a kind word when we stumble and fall on the road of life. Moms are listening to what we are doing and what we are not. Let me explain: A few years ago, a friend of mine, Scott, taught me something that still resonates with me. 6 Reasons to Celebrate Mother’s Day. Her drawers in your bedroom contain fewer beauty items and are supplemented with various ointments and elixirs. In creating an ethical will for my sister and me, she plainly and thoughtfully laid out the values and ethics that mattered most to her, along with her hope that we will carry them on. Just as men left their homes and families to wage war, it said, women should do so to wage peace.So this Mother’s Day, by all means, cook your mom a special meal, and give her a card to tell her she’s special. Of course, you do not have to go out to make this day memorable. And candy! Here is a list of six reasons why you should celebrate your mom this it’s based on the word ‘Mother’ and might just change your response!We all know mothers make the meals each day for the family which is not an easy job. They take care of nourishing both the body and the soul.A mom does all the hard work willingly and what’s more, she does them without pay. A pretty sentiment.”That sentimental, apolitical, flowers-and-candy version of Mother’s Day is familiar to us today. If you’re a dad, of course you should teach your children to honour their mother, appreciate her hard work, and give her a day off not just today but every week.But teach them also that Mother’s Day has its roots in political activism for peace and reconciliation.

They can differentiate between a cry of frustration or one of pain. Her hearing can pick up the smallest rattle of a cookie jar lid or the slowest creek of a door being snuck through late at night. I celebrated my birthday this week but the day was not about me at all.

As comedian Jimmy Fallon recently observed, if you hire a cleaning lady to give your mom the day off, you’re basically just making someone else’s mom work on Mother’s Day. In the UK and Ireland, Mother’s Day can be confused with Mothering Sunday, as the two share the same date. She teaches us the art of negotiation (I never did like sharing) how to stand on our own for the first time (kindergarten was scary) and how to face bad circumstances with boldness and determination. Although it’s true that I don’t celebrate Mother’s Day with my own mom anymore, I do cherish and celebrate her love, her life, and her wisdom.

This is her day, so she can spend it in any manner she likes.People celebrate this day to show their affection. By Michelle Regalado. If you answered “yes” to this rhetorical question, then I have put together a list of 6 reasons why you should celebrate your mom this Mother’s Day – it’s based on the word ‘mother’ and may just make you change your answer.
Thanks mom for the courage to flourish!Moms have supersonic hearing.

I instead count myself among those who are mothers, celebrating on Mother’s Day, who can do and continue to do everything they can for the well-being of their children. We believe their old brand of wisdom is ridiculous, but as we grow into maturity we realize that moms are right. Moms have supersonic hearing.