They learned to play happily with each other using their imagination and creativity. The Shocking Truth About a Merrier Christmas This Year Today's secular society gets a bunch of things wrong about the holiday season — here are smart reminders we all need By Jon Beaty Please share this video with every believer you know PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA The truth is Christ was NEVER in Christmas and He never will be! My situation isn’t quite the same as yours, but my parents split up about 5 years ago and I too have noticed that Christmas hasn’t been the same since. Share.

I felt happier.As it turns out, there is a small body of research that applies to Christmas traditions and what makes it merrier for those who celebrate the holiday.

48 Shares. Here then, is the shocking truth:

Grandma knew what researchers wrote about in a study published in the Journal of School Psychology: Children are happier and more optimistic when they learn to count their blessings.By completing the poll, you agree to receive emails from LifeZette and that you've read and agree to our Bear in mind they live quite a distance from each other. People who receive gifts whose monetary worth is high relative to their annual income tend to report feeling negative emotions as a result.That’s according to research published in the Journal of Happiness Studies by Tim Kasser and Kennon Sheldon.Adults from 18 to 80 years old find the most Christmas happiness by making religious and family activities a priority over spending money and receiving gifts.This is another research finding by Kasser and Sheldon, who wrote, “Secular, materialistic aspects of the holiday contributed little to Christmas joy, or were associated with less happiness and more stress and unpleasant affect.”In Germany, child care workers experimented with taking the toys out of the nursery for three months out of the year. Book something exciting over the Christmas break with a partner, friend or group.If you do visit your family and they are the dysfunctional kind, I normally lock myself in the house for a day with my favorite DVD box set and veg on the couch. "Our Christmas lords of Misrule, together with dancing, masques, mummeries, stage-players, and such other Christmas disorders, now in use with Christians, were derived from these Roman Saturnalia and Bacchanalian festivals; which should cause all pious Christians eternally to abominate them" (The Book of Christmas Folklore, p. 8). I was in my late twenties at the time.Even though I was an adult when they divorced, Christmas has never been the same since.Thankfully some marriages end in a decent or at least civil manner and people are still able to spend time together.For years, I found myself in a ‘pick a family member’ scenario. How intriguing it is ... to trace them to their origins. Many … While it seemed to keep people happy, I was completely miserable and exhausted by the end of it all.There is an exception to this. 10.9K Shares The holidays tend to bring out the thoughtful side in … ReddIt. I’m a blogger, book reader, keen traveller and cat mom. December 12, 2017, 7:15 AM. Read full article. Over time they saw the kids demonstrate better concentration, communication, and social skills than kids who didn’t participate in the experiment.When I was a child unwrapping new toys on Christmas Day, my grandmother would tell me stories of how she enjoyed playing with wooden spools. Additionally, the Bible nowhere encourages the celebration of Christmas, but rather condemns such observances. It may be how you decide to celebrate the holiday. Let’s just say, I’ll never do it again.

And let me emphasize one fact, the spirit of giving is not about money, it's about giving of yourself.The shocking truth about Christmas is simply this; it's the one day of the year when the true wonderment of giving comes alive in all of us. December 1, 2011. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Researchers have drawn some surprising conclusions about what makes us happier during the holidays.I cringe when I see how stores bring out their holiday decorations the day after Halloween.So I surprised myself when I got the urge to put up our holiday lights and decorations the weekend before Thanksgiving. Facebook. Search for: Translate Under the leadership of the Father of Lights, the Creator's Calendar team have made a 180 degree paradigm shift from one new moon to another. One of my pet peeves is when advertising promotes families having lavish Christmas meals, which in reality far too many people can’t afford.People could find themselves running all over the place trying to keep everyone happy.

Thankfully, my parents have been open to talking about this stuff, and things are finally starting to get better around the holidays.

So what does the science say will give us the best return on investment if Christmas joy is what we’re looking for?Researchers writing for the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that people who put up outdoor Christmas decorations were perceived as more sociable and friendlier than those who chose not to decorate. If you are divorced with young children, you need to do If you don’t get along with your family and you decide to visit them for Christmas, Don’t sign up to spend weeks with a family that you don’t get along with.If there are topics that you know will reignite an old problem or for that matter create a new one, avoid them all together.If your family have completely different values, morals and beliefs to you, stick to topics that won’t rock the boat.Some of your friends may not be able to spend Christmas with their families.Either they have to work over Christmas and can’t get to visit family, live too far away from them (overseas or interstate for instance) or they simply choose not to spend Christmas with them.Remember family doesn’t always have to mean relatives.

Learn the history of Christmas and gain understanding of what the Bible has to say about it.