This week's Titans is a welcome improvement over its predecessor, helping the series to again recover some of its lost momentum and build toward the imminent season finale. Part one of a two-part episode. Batman cannot be saved and Dick is forced to reveal his identity to the police.The revelation leads Dick to team up with GPD for a raid on Wayne Manor. The two rush to find Batman standing over a dead Joker before escaping through the window. That is until a wheelchair-bound Jason Todd turns up on Dick’s doorstep.Jason informs Dick that Bruce is in trouble. A lazy afternoon spent poolside is interrupted by a call from Rachel and Gar. Let us know in the comment section below! Dick finds Joker’s lifeless body, inferring to GPD that Batman is responsible. Titans; Titans Episode 11 Review – School is in session. Next Episode (airs 2020) Episode #3.1. A horrified Rachel looks on as Dick exclaims how good it feels to be home. Batman has lost the plot, killing inmates, guards and nurses. Hank and Dawn have adapted to a new life. TV Show; network. The two are away at college together and appear to be doing fantastic. Onwards and upwards (hopefully) to your recap of Titans Season 2, episode 11 — “E.L._.O.” But if you want to go back and watch the mess hit the fan, you can find last week’s recap right here ! Dick has no choice but to bring the house down with demo charges. She questions Dick’s reasons for trying to save Bruce from himself when another flux cuts the building’s power. It follows a group of young soon-to-be Super Heroes recruited from every corner of the DC Universe.
... updated 11 months ago New York Comic Con: Trending Titles List a list of 55 titles updated 18 Jul 2019 Top 100 TV Shows of 2018 a … Superhero; Well…this is a weird one. The Titans pick up another runaway stray. Episode 11 doesn’t feel much like a season finale – it would have worked better as a midseason interval because so many plot threads are still hanging loose. By. The act of killing Batman morphs Dick into his most dark form, complete with black rings around his eyes similar to Rachel’s. Show More Show Less. Trigon’s arrival seemingly set up a titanic finale. Teen Titans : Apprentice: Part Two. Gotham has devolved into chaos following Commissioner Gordon’s murder and Jason fears Bruce will kill the Joker in retaliation. Rachel’s father allowed Dick’s release from his troubled past and Angela welcomes him as part of their family. Kory prepares to light him up, but Batman shoots her with a cold gun, killing her instantly. Not to mention how little we see of the rest of the Titans in this episode. He tries to talk his mentor down, relating his relationship with Rachel to theirs. Affiliate Disclosure: Evolve Media LLC, and its owned and operated websites may receive a small commission from the proceeds of any product(s) sold through affiliate and direct partner links.monitoring_string = "d254514d58fda348db17b12227af3867"The episode opens sometime into the future. The Titans embark on a mad hunt to find the Detonator before it freeze-frames the entire city. No season finale is complete without a good tease toward the next season, and season 1 episode 11? Titans season 2, episode 11 “E.L._.O.,” brings Dick closer to becoming Nightwing, proves Kory is the best, and gives us one badass Bruce Wayne fight scene.. A thirteen-episode second season premiered on September 6, 2019, and a third season has also been announced. Joker’s hand moves and EMTs rush the funny man to the hospital.Dick breaks into Wayne Manor, opening a secret passage to the Bat Cave in the hope of talking Bruce down. Episode List. The return of Iain Glen's Bruce Wayne helps reinvigorate Titans as the Season 2 finale draws near.Annabelle Missing: Rumors Claim Real Doll Escapes From MuseumOpinion: Epic is Weaponizing Fortnite Fans Against Apple & GoogleRyan Reynolds Launches Spoof Streaming Service With Just One MovieStar Wars: The True Significance of That Deleted Luke SceneHow Star Wars Stayed Alive When There Were No New Movies Dick has just enough time to tell Dawn about the murder and get pissed that Hank is helping her before he gets the news that Arkham Asylum has been attacked. Characters introduced in Titans later reappeared in the DC Universe series Doom Patrol, although Doom Patrol is set in a separate continuity. This episode also manages to balance the unwieldy ensemble cast in a way we haven't really seen before and set the stage for major confrontations with both Deathstroke and Cadmus.Titans is a dramatic, live-action adventure series that explores and celebrates one of the most popular comic book teams ever. Dick decides he will go after their baby is born, but is influenced to leave immediately by a reality flux.Dick finds Gotham in worse shape than originally thought. Dick has set up shop in California alongside a pregnant Dawn and their son, Johnny. S 1 E 11. type.