Occupational therapy services may include comprehensive evaluations of the client’s environment, recommendations for adaptive equipment and training in its use. %%EOF The terms 'ecopation' (Persson & Erlandsson, 2002;Persson & Erlandsson, 2014) and 'eco-social occupational therapy' (Simó Algado & Townsend, 2015) have also been proposed.

Occupations shape peoples’ identity (Christiansen et al., 2005; Duncan, 2006) and are considered necessary for health and wellbeing (Kielhofner, 2009). “Occupational therapy enables people to achieve health, well being and life satisfaction through participation in occupation” (College of Occupational Therapy (COT) 2004 as cited in., COT, 2010). 0000009757 00000 n

Activities do not necessarily hold any meaning for the person (Creek, 2010b), but OT values occupation and activity, as both allow participation in life, and support and maintain health and well-being (AOTA, 2008).The term health has also lacked a definitive definition. The origins of a concept of social justice.

0000084968 00000 n Conversely, occupation had the potential to be therapeutic (Townsend &Polatajko, 2007) restoring health and function (Kielhofner 2009). However, more recently, the World Health Organisation (WHO) (2001) introduced the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF), which focuses on how people live with health conditions and can achieve satisfying productive lives (Baum, 2003). 0000001556 00000 n

bewirken (Townsend & Polatajko, 2007; Townsend et al., 2013). Historically, health has been defined in negative terms focusing only on the absence of disease (Reed and Sanderson, 1999). Adelson, H. L. (1995). 0000013784 00000 n In order to understand this relationship it is necessary to look at the history of the profession and the theory that guides OT practice.“Occupational therapy enables people to achieve health, well being and life satisfaction through participation in occupation” (College of Occupational Therapy (COT) 2004 as cited in., COT, 2010).The concept of occupation has evolved throughout the history of the OT profession, as has the centrality of its role (Townsend & Polatajko, 2007). Die Ergotherapie (von altgriechisch ἔργον érgon, deutsch Werk, Arbeit, und von Therapie von θεραπεία therapeía Dienst, Behandlung) ist eine Therapieform, die sich mit der Ausführung konkreter Betätigungen und deren Auswirkungen auf den Menschen und dessen Umwelt befasst. Since occupation is of primary concern to occupational therapy and occupational science, the authors reflect on postmodernism and its influence on a renaissance of occupation in these two fields. 0000006963 00000 n 0000004666 00000 n 0000064547 00000 n 0000013949 00000 n The person connected to the environment through occupation (Kielhofner, 2009), and occupation was thought of in terms of ‘work’, which was vital to happiness and wellbeing (Townsend &Polatajko, 2007).
This is consistent with the OT perspective, that occupation engagement and participation is fundamental to establishing, maintaining and restoring health (Kielhofner, 2009; Townsend &Polatajko, 2007).Well-being is a subjective experience that varies between people, consisting of feelings of comfort, pleasure, and health (Schmidt, 2005). A …

They engage people in the world and in turn enable survival and self-maintenance (Christiansen et al., 2005). 0000014367 00000 n H��W�n7}�Ẉ��%���c;@�u�-���A�e[��u$������9C�Eڵ�H-9�p�� ~�o�J�(#U^U%�"�"�d��v �.>�,v���n�:�Ԇ������҂��0i�����8��h�^�Q^���.�Z�������6�fMf� �0[��]"|�Β$x�+�;�x������8ǏM"t0E�7~�Ʒ���&�t<=�����3���O}�|[��_�iO��K"����� �j\}�M�e�L�f�ikw�]pٟ8�g��U�ڣ�7��!SG�ou�js����q4�Τ9bΡQ�ch� ��"p�G��"���>�4�3�#����8�qs���Z�����-}h�Ys�nQ��@R�6e+���p��.������+G%$�L�d�.��Ӄ�ˆ]�R�8�zPQ���F�]��]�!fM*�)[�+li��6F�A��b^n��$\�����9u�P�D�瘶�{��Ȥ�aG|��97�s&Өã7d>����4�� �*����'3E�V���0�2�c��913p� $�������~&�7�,��B�K���KmwO�FÉ ���/t��fC���pCRtJe4D�K��

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