The main classification is as follows.The primary transistor is the BJT and FET is the modern version of transistor. Transistor is a semiconductor device which is used to amplify the signals as well as in switching circuits. Again depletion and enhancement mode transistors are classified into N-channel JFET and P-channel.Nowadays, the vacuum tubes are replaced with transistors because the transistors have more benefits over vacuum tubes. Nowadays N-channel JFET transistor is most preferable type than P-channel JFET. The FET transistors are classified into JFET and MOSFET.Junction FET transistors are classified into N-channel JFET and P-channel JFET depending on their function. Here the emitter current is the primary current source for total current in the transistor. The Transistor became an essential component in modern electronics and we cannot imagine the World without Transistors. There are a huge number of manufacturers approximately the world who produces semiconductors (transistors are members of this family of apparatus), so there are exactly thousands of different types.

If small amount of current flows through the base of a BJT transistor then it causes to flow large current from emitter to collector. It is made through p and n type semiconductor. This article gives an overview of what is a transistor, different The transistor is an electronic equipment.
General semiconductor materials used for transistor are silicon, germanium, and gallium-arsenide.

So, it is necessary to give a voltage source in reverse bias more than 0.7 V.In general, when the switch is OFF, the current cannot flow and behaves as an open circuit. The The symbols of a FET for both NPN and PNP types are as shown belowThe Source terminal in a Field Effect Transistor is the one through which the carriers enter the channel.This is analogous to the emitter terminal in a Bipolar Junction Transistor.The current entering the channel at Source terminal is indicated as IS.The Gate terminal in a Field Effect Transistor plays a key role in the function of FET by controlling the current through the channel.By applying an external voltage at Gate terminal, the current through it can be controlled.Gate is a combination of two terminals connected internally that are heavily doped.The channel conductivity is said to be modulated by the Gate terminal.This is analogous to the base terminal in a Bipolar Junction Transistor.The current entering the channel at Gate terminal is indicated as IG.The Drain terminal in a Field Effect Transistor is the one through which the carriers leave the channel.This is analogous to the collector terminal in a Bipolar Junction Transistor.The current leaving the channel at Drain terminal is indicated as IThere are two main types of FETS. The standard equation for the currents flowing in the transistor isThe symbols and structure for NPN transistors are given below.The PNP is another type of Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT).

Both the Depletion and Enhancement type MOSFETs use an electrical field produced by a gate voltage to alter the flow of charge carriers, electrons for n-channel or holes for P-channel, through the semiconductive drain-source channel.

The area of the Emitter and Collector layer is more compared to the Base layer.In N-type semiconductors, a large number of free electrons are available. PNP transistor with collector attached to … The hFE value range for these transistors is from 10 to 200. In concept I want to put in writing like this moreover ?taking time and actual effort to make an excellent article?however what can I say?I procrastinate alot and by no means appear to get one thing done.What an amazing site for very very useful and education knowledge

Generally transistor is made of solid material which contains three terminals such as emitter (E), Base (B) and Collector (C) for connections with other components in the circuit.
What is the use of transistor in electronics?