One that protects workers our workers, our taxpayers, and one that protects our economy. And we have their backs 100%. President Donald Trump had a brief, unusual moment of radical honesty toward the end of his rally on Thursday night in Toledo, Ohio. Always a Democrat, now it’s gone. “The betrayal of Ohio workers and American workers ended the day I took the oath of office,” he said, citing his revised version of the North American Free Trade Agreement and his trade war with China.

And now tonight i’m back in the center of the American heartland, far away from the Washington swamp to spend time with thousands of true American patriots. While Trump did make some news with his comments about why he approved a drone strike in Iraq last Thursday that killed top Iranian military official Qassem Soleimani — more on that later — his first rally of 2020 was similar to ones he’s delivered throughout his presidency. Trump didn’t detail his policy vision for a second term. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our We cherish and defend — thank you, it looks like it’s in very good shape — our Second Amendment. I don't know if they had polls back then." And the attack from New York to Boston to San Bernardino. And that is why my administration is launching a nationwide crackdown on sanctuary cities. They’re pointing to a protester. We all believe in the rule of law, and we support the incredible men and women of law enforcement. And then last thing I said and I don’t think he thought I was going to take this much time but anybody that knows me, this is gonna happen, I said thank you sir for keeping the promises you made. In America we don’t worship government. Then only a few hours ago the senate approved a vote to begin debating the repealing and replacing the Obamacare disaster. And then I apologize, I said Mr. President, thank you for Melania. And we are going to use American iron, American steel, American aluminum. And he effectively said, man, would I vote for Trump again, even faster. And we are sending them the hell back home where they came from. So his name is Gino Defabio. [Chants of drain the swamp] We have spent the entire week celebrating with the hard working men and women who are helping us make America great again. He traveled last week to Ohio and will hold rallies in … “And you know, instead, they should be outraged by Suleimani’s savage crimes.” At the mention of Ms. Pelosi, who he said is “not operating with a full deck,” some in the crowd shouted: “Lock her up!
Are we on a similar path?The USPS warned 46 states that it couldn’t guarantee mail-in ballots would arrive in time.It’s back, it’s still racist, and this time it’s connected to a broader assault on birthright citizenship.Why Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s “WAP” is actually a public health triumphWomen are usually the subject of sexual fantasies, not in control of them. And boy, have we put those coal miners and coal back on the map. The Trump administration has the backs of our ICE Officers, our border patrol agents.

We’re going to get those jobs coming back, and we’re going to fill up those factories or rip them down and build brand new ones. "Trump’s 90-minute remarks at the Ohio rally were his first at a major public setting since the president ordered a drone strike that killed Soleimani last Friday.
The best schools, the best jobs, the best factories. we’ve eliminated burdenensome regulations at record speed and many, many more are coming off. He didn’t delve into any nuance or subtlety. It’s real easy. There is nothing else. We have no choice. Donald Trump The Senate is working not only to repeal Obamacare but to deliver great health care for the American people. But I think that with few exceptions no president has done anywhere near what we’ve done in his first six months.

We have signed new legislation to hold federal workers accountable for the care they provide to our great, great veterans. After years and years of sending our jobs and our wealth to other countries, we are finally standing up for our workers and for our companies. They’re all coming back. And I said — and I said with the exception of the late great Abraham Lincoln, i can be more presidential than any President that’s ever held this office.

I’m probably going to be in trouble with my wife, but God bless that woman. “Trump thinks he should be on Mt. "Of course, the Ohio talk came against the backdrop of impeachment, as Pelosi waits to send formal articles to the Senate, and the upper chamber decides rules on a trial that presumably will occur this month. Honestly, if you don’t point, nobody’s even going to know he’s here.

Choose the plan that’s right for you. As a nation. President, sir i don’t even want to think about it.” I said “you’re right, actually.” We have tough people.