The first type, demonstrative, is evidence that demonstrated the testimony given by a witness. It helps the parties involved make their case as to what happened and who should be held responsible for the happening. Occasionally, there is a stated occupation. Sources, by contrast, are physical; we can touch them, see them, smell them, hear them. In this stage of research, we weigh all pieces of evidence against each other, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each, individually and comparatively.No question is reliably answered until all conflicting evidence is logically and decisively resolved. These are generally only considered direct if they contain the actual crime, such as an email that includes death threats. Her name is SALLY. Ironically, neither had been studied by the standards of genealogical scholarship.The lead article, “Sally Hemings’s Children,” examined all the available evidence, drawing from relevant original sources and a plethora of derivatives. It can really be the breaking point for a case where there isn't a lot of evidence to begin with. Key to the interpretation is the experiential knowledge that individuals in this time and place were named as adjoiners on deeds under one of two circumstances: they owned the land or they occupied the land by a legal lease.According to family records put forth by Woodson descendants, the eldest child of Tom Woodson and his wife Jemima was born 28 January 1806 in Greenbrier. When a witness relates something that he … He may have existed as the child born in 1790 to Sally, who died shortly afterward. Evidence establishes facts. Clear answers for common questions At its core, evidence comes in three basic types: As the name implies, direct evidence is information that directly addresses the issue at hand. Does it point to new records? Since a tape recorder or video camera cannot have a bias, the objectivity of this type of evidence is usually unquestionable. The delicacy of this arrangement must strike every person of common sensibility. Does it support a conclusion? Turner’s assertion also is compatible with the family account given by Sally’s son Madison. Analogical Evidence. For instance, the evidence of a bloody fingerprint would help to establish the fact that a certain person was at the scene of the victim's murder. In some cases, however, recordings may be inadmissible as evidence if they are obtained illegally; for instance, in California, it is sometimes illegal to make a recording of a person without his or her knowledge. However, when compared to the records above it presents Turner, whom Leary identifies as another Jefferson foe as well as a personal family acquaintance, published a piece on 31 May 1805 in the Turner’s identification of Sally’s oldest son as Beverly, rather than Tom, is an identification all firsthand evidence supports. Because it is a mental construct, it rarely gives us the clear and simple answers that we seek. Whatever role it plays, it carries no weight until and unless we combine it with other evidence to arrive at an answer or construct an argument for our conclusion.Sherlock Holmes famously spoke of “the sound of the dog Whether any piece of information is evidence depends upon the research question we seek to answer. In legal proceedings, the burden of proof is on the prosecution, which implies that the onus is on the prosecution to prove that the defendant is guilty. The same piece of information might be immensely valuable evidence for one research problem and totally irrelevant to another, even though it deals with the same person or event. It considered primary and secondary accounts. Circumstantial evidence, by contrast, consists of a fact or set of facts which, if proven, will support the creation of an inference that the matter asserted is true. At its core, evidence comes in three basic types: direct, indirect, and negative—the latter two being sometimes lumped together under the catchall label circumstantial. This is typically done using diagrams, maps, animations and other similar methods. Clear answers for common questions It’s not merely something relevant. That date places the conception of this child, Lewis Woodson, about April 1805. It plainly offers an answer to a specific research question. The document depicted above (click to enlarge) provides evidence of two particular matters: (1) Sally’s age; and (2) the identity of Jefferson’s enslaved people―specifically, it answers the question whether in 1794 he owned a slave child named Tom who could be the child born to Sally in 1790.The image is a page extracted from Jefferson’s farm book. This indirect evidence might support direct evidence we have found. The name of her eldest son is TOM. Words taken out of context can seem to say something quite different from what the originator intended. The words that our sources provide do convey information, but that information may be interpreted in disparate ways—as America has seen from the conflicting views about the relationship between Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson.Too often, history researchers focus on the search for Elizabeth Shown Mills, “QuickLesson 13: Classes of Evidence―Direct, Indirect & Negative,” Evidence can be messy. In any situation, words have nuances. Usually it's a random passerby or perhaps a neighbor. Surveillance tapes, wiretap recordings, and even cell phone recordings can all serve as a direct form of objective evidence that establishes what actually happened during a crime. When I went to the local police to report harassment, I was asked to bring evidence such as emails or messages. It is not the actual words that appear on a piece of paper or those uttered by an informant. The four types of evidence recognized by the courts include demonstrative, real, testimonial and documentary. The age data these records provide place his birth into the following age brackets:1820 (26–45):           8 August 1775–7 August 1794Analyzing this information, we might conclude the following:About two years after Tom Woodson’s marriage, he was explicitly named in a deed executed by a neighbor.