I'll post up some images of what I am talking about tomorrow night, have to pull out some old DX9 code.Directional light (aka 360 degree light) was not on the horizon it was in the skyFirst you have the terrain. Which means the scene is always lit.If you try what I suggested about creating a terrain, give it a texture turn diffusion to black, then create a point light to point at the terrain placing the light at 1000,1000,1000, give it a value of 8 for its intensity, a range of 2000 which is beyond the terrain by an additional 1000, an angle of 179, constantly point the cone to the terrain, the black area of the terrain made by the diffusion doesn't get lit.Looks like I found a bug then. The rest of the terrain is black. If I have ambience, I want it to be specific to the other light sources and not a global setting in my case. It only takes a minute to sign up.I have a simple sun flare that I would like to appear on my directional light (sun). I want the light to be pure to the other light sources.I want to get rid of ambient lighting all together. In this you can also set the size of flare.Sorted it out now, just had to add a Lens Flare component to my directional light, didn't realise you had to do that!Thanks for contributing an answer to Game Development Stack Exchange! But can also take on the color of the light source. This is correct behaviour in my book.According to this, Aras is stating that directional light is shining horizonatally, which it didn't matter as far as I knewA directional light has no source, and no distance, therefore Range and Attenuate do nothing5) I want light sources outside to only effect outside and shine through windows and doorways, but not light based on pure direction, as it has been pointed out directional light is unforgiving, it lights anythingbut to me it should be blocked based on a ray cast.A 360 degree light is just that, it is a light source that goes out in 360 degrees from center to infinityas Eric pointed out, this is currently not achievable (which I thought it was since I do have other engines that are free that somehow have accomplished this for torches and such where the light fills up a given depth and breadth of an area in a sphere range and is blocked by walls, etc)Then we can never use directional lights in a scene where we have buildings with interiors since a wall / objects inside the building will be effected by directional lightI do not understand your definition of a point light and its function.

Just grabbed this from the Unity Manual Doc: Lens Flares are blocked by Colliders. in the Unity community.Nothing in the documentation that I have found to kill the default light source that has diffusion attached to it.Thanks for the pointers, however, it doesn't solve the underlying problem.

━ LINKS ━ Physically-Based Real-Time Lens Flare … Unity displays different properties in the Light Inspector A Unity window that displays information about the currently selected GameObject, asset or project settings, alowing you to inspect and edit the values. The skybox should not be lit then if the light source can be turned off.I'll wait until you get the rest of the light sources working against the terrain since I think Spotlight would fix this problem in general (although maybe not the black area)From this experiment I would surmise that the RenderFX/Skybox shader has an anomaly, in that it is always illuminated even when the tint color is pure black.I want to get rid of ambient lighting all together. A Collider in-between the Flare GameObject and the Camera will hide the Flare, even if the Collider does not have a Mesh Renderer. Based on earlier conversation they are working on terrain lighting from the other light sources. I understand where you are coming from on the rest of the subject, I really do. The light was in the sky, not on the horizon, was directional, so had no direction and the terrain was still black. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Game Development Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professional and independent game developers. Unity 5 beta - Lighting workflow quick look - Duration: 5:32. With a fully digital portfolio built on pioneering technology, Unity Lenses ensure your patients take in everything life has to offer with unmatched precision and comfort. It is a limitation of the engine itself. I can't currently achieve the desired outcome for the lighting in Unity that I would normally be able to do naturally in DX9. If the in-between Collider is marked as Trigger it will block the flare if and only if Physics.queriesHitTriggers is true. It's horrible! More info See in Glossary depending on the render pipeline that your Project uses.. Properties.