A single Hinge Joint should be applied to a GameObject The fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. It looks like you are trying to pet your enemy with the sword. Your own swings with the sword on the other hand are really bad. Is there any way I can fix this? I just added a sword swinging script to my sword, ... I.e.the "swing" effect comes from the third argument which is constant in your case. A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it. Thanks btw!This maybe a latter update but you should add subtle UI hints as to what attack the enemy is about to do.Yep all in the works haha. You need to lunge out really far to land a blow like your enemy does here. It originally went straight down.

Thank you.This causes the "random" effect, which you experienced.Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Layer in the sounds of Sword Sound Effects Pack 1 from Stormwave Audio for your next project. No way you could just push your sword just a little forward as shown here and deal some damage.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castNews, Help, Resources, and Conversation. Play on window x64. Sound FX Blades and Metal. it looks pretty sweetsetting up bits and pieces of a prototype for a game. Sound FX Blades and Metal. Medium Sword Sheath 1. Remember, a sword is a really heavy thing. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our did you make those animations?The animations come from a different asset pack, I just wanted to see how they would work within my system and it works pretty well.Noticed a bit of depth of field issues (I think that's the problem).

I made these changes as well as making it so that if you hold down the swing button, the sword swings further. Browse all audio options on the Unity Asset Store. WAV; MP3; Download HD. a 8-bit pixel style 2d game designed on Unity3D. Probably some crappy 3rd party solution used for it. Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkersProgramming & related technical career opportunitiesI don't understand how you're explaining it. I already have the health setup for the player, now I just need to add some way to tell that I'm getting hit and a way of dying haha thanks for the suggestions!Should strikes on the player move or push them around?
It goes side to side, and random ways to when I turn. Sound FX Blades and Metal. Battle Scheme is learnt from Mount&Blade and 流星蝴蝶剑. Would you hit someone like that with a sword in real life? The Overflow Blog 2 seconds. is that strong knight? Large Sword Hit 1. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and WAV; MP3; Download HD. Layer in the sounds of Sword Fight Swing and Hit Sounds from Byterunners for your next project.
Details. Would you hit someone like that with a sword in real life?

Sword Hit 10. Cant believe theres only one comment pointing it out.Yep that's the next step right after I get some AI vs. AI combat. Your own swings with the sword on the other hand are really bad. The gameplay is quite immersive, probably because of the realistic animations. It is hard to see, but when you swing, the sword now rotates and slashes across the screen. Sound FX Blades and Metal. The original position. Drag n Sword. More info See in Glossary.The hinge will rotate at the point specified by the Anchor property, moving around the specified Axis property. You need to lunge out really far to land a blow like your enemy does here. Remember, a sword is a really heavy thing.

Great work so far :)Not a depth of field, just bad motion blur. Heavy Sword Sheath 2. 2 seconds. Right now it only works with my the player, but I'm currently working on it so that two AI can fight each other as wellnice! Medium Sword Sheath 2. Thanks for the feedback!If you do this you should have a hard mode that leaves the UI hints outYou should balance it by giving the player the same animation as the aiThe blocking looks awesome, you can really feel the force of the hits, which is great and not easy to achieve. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Featured on Meta Are you saying I should just delete one of the lines or add something? It looks like you are trying to pet your enemy with the sword. By Shuai Shao, Zimeng Yang, and Liang Peng. The most attracting feature is that the player control how its character swing and stab sword by click and drag mouse to draw certain pattern. Free 30 Day Trial Brock wanted more of a slashing motion. But I just want my sword to go forwards. I just added a sword swinging script to my sword, and it works fine. 2 seconds. These included a change to the weapon attack. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under A User Showcase of the Unity Game Engine.Press J to jump to the feed. WAV; MP3; Download HD. Sword-Solider-Unity3D. WAV; MP3; Download HD. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled Drag n Sword is a sword fighting game in Unity3D. your coworkers to find and share information. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Like knocking you back, sideways, etc.Yep that's what I want to add next for the player side of the combat.is this for a game you're working on or will you release on the asset store? swingTimer *2 / swingDuration or (for the "back swing") ... Wandering AI in unity C#. Browse all audio options on the Unity Asset Store. a reasonable argument would be something like . It needs way more power, more speed.

love that asset. It needs way more power, more speed.