Use ‘sales pitch’ in a sentence | ‘sales pitch’ example sentences.

Recent Examples on the Web Kirk takes the pitchout for the jet sweep left for 8. Pitch sentence examples:1.the cricket team seemingly never leave the Pitch, and verdant summer leaves are just beginning to turn to gold.2.the 20,000 or however many who come to watch would love to be out on the Pitch3.campaigning is reaching fever Pitch for elections on …
Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Would you start the music for me? "there was nothing fanciful in the Pythagorean doctrine except only the belief that the differences of velocity in the movements of the stars were capable of producing a harmonious orchestration and not merely sounds of varying There are numerous vocal and orchestral societies, some of which have brought their art to a very high Other indications of volcanic agency are the oil springs occurring on the coast, and even in the bed of the sea near Cape Skinari on the north side, and especially the famous These have been productive throughout the historic period and still yield a considerable supply of Shipbuilding is carried on, and the forests yield timber, Porter Smith, op. 1. pitchout definition is - a pitch in baseball deliberately out of reach of the batter to enable the catcher to put out a base runner especially with a throw. (delivered, gave, made) Used with adjectives: " She sang at a high pitch. (plays, performs, sings) " She composed the music for the film. Pitch, in music, position of a single sound in the complete range of sound. 1. — oregonlive, "Seattle Seahawks’ sloppy effort results in a : 2.: 2. 3- I was pretty quiet during the sales pitch. (threw, tossed, made, missed, hit) " Her pitch changes during the song. …is no concept of fixed pitch. There were three bedrooms but the largest one, presumably belonging to Howie, was located in the rear of the house where it remained Quinn returned to the hospital but Betsy and I remained at Howie's side in the His curiosity and agitation, like that of the whole crowd, reached the highest "Lise!"

Music sentence examples. Touch pitch, and you will be defiled. For four years, from 1876 to 1880, Gladstone maintained the strife with a courage, a persistence and a versatility which raised the enthusiasm of his followers to the highest Poetry thus acquired the tone of the world, kept in close connexion with the chief source of national life, while it was cultivated to the highest In these years the Athenian sailors reached a high The ores, having been broken and ground, generally in tube mills, until they pass a 150 to 200-mesh sieve, are transferred to the leaching vats, which are constructed of wood, iron or masonry; steel vats, coated inside and out with Family pride, also, was carried by him to its highest possible When, nearer the end of the century (1481-1495), King The crank shaft carries a pinion which gears into a toothed wheel of a coarse When a shaft is driven by means of gearing the driving torque is measured by the product of the resultant pressure P acting between the wheel teeth and the radius of the Clarke, when he, as superintendent of the Royal Carriage Factory, had brought gun mountings to such a His policy of never interfering in strikes and leaving even violent demonstrations undisturbed at first proved successful, but indiscipline and disorder grew to such a At the beginning of the 19th century a revival of the popularity of this instrument took place, and quartets were played on four sets of pipes of different sizes and Then do= I do dx The Characteristics of Sound Waves Corresponding to Loudness, - Sounds differ from each other only in the three respects of loudness, The results obtained fully confirm the general law that " Neither this instrument nor the next to be described is now used for exact work; they merely serve as illustrations of the law of Hence the note produced with any given circle of holes rises in Here it is sufficient to say that the French standard is a' =435 with c" practically 522, and that in England the His remarkable result that two waves give some sense of An observer in the plane of the motion can easily hear a change in the Now the amplitude evidently corresponds to the loudness, and the length of period corresponds to the According to Helmholtz, the ear probably contains within it a series of resonators, with small intervals between the periods of the successive members, while the series extends over the whole range of audible If the length of the thread be k"pt invariable, a certain tension will give but one ventral segment; the fundamental note of the thread is then of the same As in the case of a musical string, so here we find that the 15 a Thus we learn that two musical notes, of the same Beats also afford an excellent practical guide in the tuning of instruments, but more so for the higher notes of the register, inasmuch as the same number of beats are given by a smaller deviation from unison by two notes of high And in pursuing this thought he found that those consonances which beat faster than six times in a second are the very same that musicians treat as concords; and that others which beat slower are the discords; and he adds that when a consonance is a discord at a low It may easily be heard when a double whistle with notes of different Further, Rucker and Edser, using a siren as source, have succeeded in making a fork of the appropriate This sortie raised the spirits of the Russians to the highest At their end is fixed a blade of cast iron from two to eight times the diameter of the shaft of the pile; the For in no other country had hostility to religion attained such a By this time, however, the opposition to it in the South had reached a Thus Demosthenes in his speech "On the crown" accused Aeschines of having "purified the initiated and wiped them clean with (not from) mud and Besides valuable contingents of the celebrated Balearic slingers, the Romans derived from their new conquest mules (from Minorca), edible snails, sinope and Both the grinding and polishing tools are grooved, to obtain a uniform distribution of the emery used in the grinding process and of the rouge employed in polishing, as also to provide for the lateral expansion of the The surface of this was brought by planing, grinding and other means to the highest possible He, his immediate follower, Gilbert Tennent (1703-1764), other clergymen, such as James Davenport, and many untrained laymen who took up the work, agreed in the emotional and dramatic character of their preaching, in rousing their hearers to a high So man was made first of clay, but he was strengthless and senseless and melted in the water; then they made a race of wooden mannikins, but these were useless creatures without heart or mind, and they were destroyed by a great flood and Untaught by experience, he resumed his course of selfish tyranny over Christians and heathen alike, and raised the irritation of the populace to such a The roofs throughout are of open woodwork very low in In this way the lad learns the principle of holding a puller, getting pace out of a lazy one, and leaving well alone with a nice free but temperate mover; he learns to do everything in a horsemanlike manner, and when he has raised himself to the Later, the form was reproduced by elaborate external wrappings of the different parts of the body before the final swathing; later still, in the Ptolemaic age, by coarse padding with plenty of linen and The name, as has been pointed out above, is derived from the Persian mumiai, meaning Wellington now pressed for the total evacuation of France, pointing out that popular irritation had grown to such a The crisis which the Catholic Church underwent, during this terrible epoch, was the greatest in all her history: for while everything was thrown into the utmost confusion by the life and death struggles of the rival popes, while the ecclesiastical revenues and emoluments were used almost exclusively for the reward of partisan service, while everywhere the worldliness of the clergy had reached its highest After Grotius's return from England the exasperation of theological parties in Holland rose to such a Herodotus relates that under his prudent administration Egypt reached the highest When forming part of a range a vinery would in most cases be a lean-to structure, with a sharp For early forcing, as in vineries, the lean-to form is to be preferred, and the house may have a tolerably sharp For large conservatory specimens wooden tubs, round or square, are frequently used; these should be coated with Since the opening of the new port the traffic has considerably increased, and it exports oil, pig-lead, silver, flour, wine, marble and sandstone for paving purposes, while it imports quantities of coal, iron, cereals, phosphates, timber, The mathematical theory of conduction of heat was developed early in the 19th century by Fourier and other workers, and was brought to so high a The Ethiopian rule of the XXVth Dynasty was now firmly established, and the resources of the two countries together might have been employed in conquest in Syria and Phoenicia; but at this very time the Assyrian empire, risen to the highest To enumerate a few examples of this which are already definitely known: we find that the forms of legal and business documents became more precise; the mechanical arts of casting in bronze on a core and of moulding figures and pottery were brought to the highest Gold and silver chasers keep their work firm by means of a cement of The following is a list of the best timbers for different situations: for general construction, spruce and pine of the different varieties; for heavy constructions, Thus Goethe had no great sympathy for the war of liberation which kindled young hearts from one end of Germany to the other; and when the national enthusiasm rose to its highest The design was then beaten into relief from the back with hammers and punches, the During that time the British lost the American colonies, but in India their reputation steadily rose to its meat of highest The reflecting surface is first ground to a spherical form, the parabolic figure being given in the final process by regulating the size of the But under his weak successors the independence of the cities reached such a The translation parallel to this axis is lox + mly + nhz (Xf + uv + vi) Ic.