Medicinal The herb is a blood purifier and vulnerary[4. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account.Peonies That Can Surprise: The Most Memorable Varieties And Types (Part 1)Peonies That Can Surprise: The Most Memorable Varieties And Types (Part 2)What Plants Don’t Like Slugs: Examples Of Flower BedsVeronica Chamaedrys is a Wonderful Plant in the GardenComfrey: Types, Decorative Varieties, Photos Of Plants

Known and medicinal properties of the herb Veronica chamaedrys. Drugs in folk medicine used for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, as a choleretic and diuretic, and … Latin name: Veronica chamaedrys Family: Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family) Medicinal use of Germander Speedwell: The herb is a blood purifier and vulnerary.

The majority of these products have a long history of use, but non-harmonized trade and differences in regulatory policies between countries impact their value chains and lead to concerns over product efficacy, safety and quality. In recent years, the scientific community has been showing an increasing interest in finding adequate and comprehensive methodologies to investigate such complex products, focusing on their entire value chain, from the raw material to the product on the shelf.Ion-Torrent amplicon read data is deposited in DRYAD doi: 10.5061/dryad.606ksMI, HB, GC, and AR conceived the experiment. AR collected the material and carried out the molecular lab work and analysis. But to meet in the flower garden Veronica chamaedrys is rare. Meanwhile, its extensive elegant blooms are very practical: covering the soil with its fast-growing shoots, Veronica does not allow weeds to occupy the territory. Publication Author Grieve. Total DNA concentration measurement gave detectable results for 15 of the samples (93.7%), with DNA concentrations ranging from 0.06 to 87.32 ng/μl, and nrITS1 and nrITS2 amplicons were obtained for all these samples. Similar to the United States and Canada, the EU currently does not have a centralized marketing authorization procedure for herbal products, but instead provides relevant methodological specifications to guarantee manufacturing quality. It is applied externally to skin diseases and is said to be an efficacious treatment for the itch. View all We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. It is considered one of the indicators of acidity: if your site in a wild form meets a lot of Veronica, it may indicate that the level of acidity of the soil is increased, which means that in the preparation of beds for vegetables you need to add ash or lime in the autumn.Transplanting Veronica is not difficult: the root system is shallow, superficial, and the plant is easily accustomed. Pharmacol., 19 June 2017 Publisher Penguin Year 1984 ISBN 0-14-046-440-9 Description Not so modern (1930's?) but lots of information, mainly temperate plants.]. Internally, an infusion of the leaves once had a good reputation in the treatment of coughs, asthma, catarrh etc[4. In this study we test the hypothesis that dwindling availability of wild Sixteen single and multi-ingredient herbal products including For DNA barcoding, nrITS reference sequences of 118 accessions belonging to 56 Extracts were prepared from plant material and herbal products following established procedures (The total DNA was extracted from 300 mg of each homogenized herbal product or silica gel dried leaves, using a modified CTAB extraction protocol (The reference sequences of 118 accessions belonging to 56 Fusion primers of the internal transcribed spacers nrITS1 and nrITS2, based on primers 17SE and 5.8I1, and 5.8I2 and 26SE (Agencourt AMPure XP PCR purification (Beckman Coulter Inc., United States) was used for high-throughput purification of PCR amplicons.