It comes from research by Dr. Albert Mehrabian. It’s risky to leave our words hanging without further explanation or defense. He found that words convey only seven percent of our message, while the rest of communication occurs through our tone, volume, facial expressions, gestures, posture and the like.

Communication is simply about conveying a message, and sometimes silence … Ironically, we can feel more comfortable and safer if we keep talking. It can take some practice to learn how and when to use it correctly, so be patient and give yourself some time to learn. In recent years, researchers have suggested that silence is not simply an absence of noise or doesn’t mean ‘nothing’ but constitutes a part of communication as important as speech. Silence most of the time is a signal that person is continuously thinking something, that person is in a deep thought. It’s commonly used in abusive relationships. You can say a lot by saying nothing and we’ll discuss that in more detail. In reality, though, silence can be a very effective communication tool. Suddenly the brasses blare, and out of the trombones’ awesome processional grows a steady roar … the big gongs the tam-tam beaten in a long and powerful resonance, shattering and echoing across mountains and along valleys. A silent mind, freed from the onslaught of thoughts and thought patterns, is both a goal and an important step in spiritual development. As it says sometimes silence can be the most powerful scream. Silence is a very powerful form of communication. Another example of a dramatic silence comes in the "rest full of tension" Taruskin (2010, p. 552) says, "whenever this ending is performed, it takes the audience an extra second or so to recover its wits and realize that the piece is indeed over. Some people use it to express anger; others to hurt or punish their partner. But in communication it is seen as absence of speech. Many people make the mistake of thinking they will get noticed by speaking as much as possible, by offering opinions, sharing (showing off) knowledge or making suggestions. Silence. So if the majority of communication is nonverbal, doesn’t it make sense that silence could be good communication?In relationships, communication often becomes a game of oneupsmanship, rather than an exchange of ideas. silence definition: 1. a period without any sound; complete quiet: 2. a state of not speaking or writing or making a…. You wouldn’t be alone if you said no.

When communication functions in this way in a relationship, division is fostered rather than unity. Some of the most effective musical silences are very short, lasting barely a fraction of a second.

Your communication will become much more powerful.Psych Central does not provide medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. But there’s power in that silence, too.Give silence a try. The truth is that silence can be your most powerful weapon.

The instrumental sounds are vast the silences are deep. Silence is the absence of ambient audible sound, the emission of sounds of such low intensity that they do not draw attention to themselves, or the state of having ceased to produce sounds; this latter sense can be extended to apply to the cessation or absence of any form of communication, whether through speech or other medium. London, Routledge. (1952), 4’33", Published by Edition Peters (PE.P06777)Swanwick, K. (1979) A Basis for Music Education. The words of St John are alive in the music, and through these sounds Messiaen reveals himself and his vision.Lack of audible sound or presence of sounds of very low intensityBritain Yearly Meeting, "Quaker Faith and Practice"Cage, J.