Justice is served.”Furthermore in v.23 Lamech refers to the man that he killed as a “a young man”. Thus he killed his brother Abe with stone and received righteous judgement of being killed by stone. (Gen. 4:16-24).

Someone clarify this. For example… when it says that Adam and Eve began “wearing animal skins”, it means when they became more fleshly and less astral, or spirit in form. Did he die naturally?

You’ll hear Jack calling around at camp for Cain, it’s revealed he’s been missing for a week or so, and that’s about it. Where did cain meet his wife and who gave birth to cain’s wife? Here are my three reasons referring to Cain & Lamech:In one of my conversations with my wife, she stated that it was mentioned somewhere that Cain had been killed.

Even though the first half of the year has been mild at best we still have Upon investigation, though, they discover that Lamech’s arrow has killed Cain.In this version of events, how did Cain die? Could I not have been like this raven and covered up my brother's body?' However, Cain was exiled to the “land of Nod in the east” which I believe was China or Mongolia. She may have been Chinese or a Mongol. No soul is wrongfully killed except that some of the burden falls upon the son of Adam, for he was the first to establish the practice of murder.Muslim scholars were divided on the motives behind Cain's murder of Abel, and further why the two brothers were obliged to offer sacrifices to God. Like an animal. This may be why Genghis Kahn rose to be such a tyrant and raider of villages.There was an archaeological find in China a few years ago, the (Caucasian) Mummies in the Taklamakan Dessert/Tarim Basin, which is “east” of the Fertile Crescent.

… Deut.18:18,19; Matt 17:5; Jhn 14:6: 8:31,32…The prophet that he promised like Moses proved to be Jesus which he anointed with his holy spirit, the messiah, or Christ. I have been subscribing for only two weeks, and I’ve seen enough to come to the conclusion that it is time to leave. Scripture alone interprets Scripture!

The story also may explain why that tribe lived the nomadic rather than the settled life. That made them “violaters of the orders from God” or “violent people”.

In the Book of Genesis, we are told about Cain’s birth, his violent act of fratricide and his subsequent exile. So people are confused and got discouraged as to what really is the truth about God and the Bible,REALLY!

The bible does say the flood killed every living thing besides Noah, Ham,Shem, Japheth, and the animals. Please read in your Bible as what you are saying is not bible based.

Justice is served.”Furthermore in v.23 Lamech refers to the man that he killed as a “a young man”. By this time would Cain still be “a young man?” Did Lamech kill his great, great, great grandfather?

Adam, because he would be the progenitor of Jesus, was special. new music out now!!!! These are highly metaphoric works, as is most all of very ancient histories/myths. They decided to violate that law. Adam was first, and Jesus is the “last priest after the order of Melchezidec.” His family line is distinct from the rest of the world. (Alter 2008:29).4:8 – "Let us go out to the field" does not appear in the 4:9 – the phrase traditionally translated "am I my brother's keeper?"

If we all came from Adam, there is no explanation for this.

A mark? The mark of Cain? These mummies are between 5500 and 7000 years old.Also, there is archaeological evidence that the Sythians, who were Caucasian, traded and fought along side the Mongols in battle as tombs were found in Mongolia of Sythian warriors.Remember, the Bible is not about the rest of the world, but about “one man’s family”, the family of Adam to Noah to Abraham to Jacob, to Jesus. For example… when it says that Adam and Eve began “wearing animal skins”, it means when they became more fleshly and less astral, or spirit in form. When the youth realized they had killed his grandfather, Cain, Lamech became embittered and killed the youth.

Before you make a statement, you will need to look on both ends.Abel was only favored because of his blood sacrifice a destructive act on the creation Cain did not kill to offer a bloody present to a god only the fruits of the creation abel followed the lord way kill to repent for sin Was vain and his descendants larger than average humans?

https://twitter.com/chartdata/status/993625995499356160?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww. After all he carries the mark of the convenant that God made with and to him. Therefore whoever killed Cain would have committed “murder”. One must be a fool to believe and waste his/her time on such fable.Thank you so much for clearing that up. It reminded me of a piece of Swiss cheese: full of holes.2.

.Knowing God and the doing of his will is of utmost importance to any who desires to have an everlasting life here on a paradisaic earth,soon, when the present wicked system of things by man will be completely eradicated by God..Dan.2:44.. But Adam was created AFTER the 7th day, after God rested.