Avoid telling them how special they are all the time, and remind them that everyone has strengths. Maybe this sounds cold, I don’t feel cold. I had no idea. It just is.How does one deal with this behavior when the adult child uses your grand to use against you to get what they want?It’s hard for me to feel sympathy for those that have previously commented. I would of course buy food for her and her siblings when I did the shopping but she always wanted things I didn’t have. Accept that they do not and cannot love you back. It’s an extension of themselves. That is his cross that he have bear.One of my adult son is a narcissist. Catered to her and created a monster. Well, I think it is good to know if your adult child has narcissistic tendencies. He insists on going first in games and bends the rules to suit his needs. He told me to be aware of him. The word ‘Narcissus was handsome but loved only himself.

I kicked him out at 18, he’s now 21 and we just dont speak. I can’t do anything. He is living in my rent house free. Please try to take care of yourself & have a good life ?? I found this out by accident when I spoke to his mum.I couldn’t ever give her consequences without her telling people I was abusive which made it so difficult to discipline her at the beginning and after a while I gave up because of the abuse.Such a sad story. But we feel we didnt have a choice.im not sure this is the right place but could use some direction. Good enough parents don’t either. The teachers said there was something wrong with him. I never connected her selfishness, disregard, unaccountability and lack of any understanding or empathy to NARSSISSIM. Yes! I have 5You’ve done the right thing. I became aware from reading about narcissism that my daughter had all the signs of a narcissist accept for the substance abuse. I just spent all my energy raising my son the best I could to be a good citizen and asset to society, but I inadvertently just unleashed another vampire on the world!! I haven’t heard from her since. Realize that no matter what you do for them, it will never be enough. Now I am finding out he was abusing his younger brother, too, who was too afraid to tell me!! She finally got hat she wanted, a wedge between my son and me. He had a roommate who kept the place up and paid the utilities and provided some regulation. I cry constantly because I wonder what she thinks? I wish both of us well.I stood up for myself today with my narcissistic daughter and am experiencing a nasty lashing out from her on her fb page. !I just wanted to say thank you for posting this. I have witnessed this frequently because for years, before and since my grandson was born, I have Skyped him every week and travelled annually from Australia to London to visit him.
If your child exhibits a narcissistic personality stop trying to reason, prescribe or lecture. I am also the daughter of a narcissistic father. He really never gave me an answer that particular day.

She was incredibly abusive (physically and emotionally) from the age of around 6 onwards and I had tried to get her professional help for around 2 years with no luck. He’s irresponsible and cruel. Accept that they do not and cannot love you back. I was not raised to call the police on my mom.

Going debit. I know I acted passive aggressive. My daughter did the same. Its like he hates everyone. Also she married a man that is nothing short of a monster from a horror movie and very abusive to her and my grandchildren. i’m accepting it’s never going to change. She said let him get hit!! What could you have done better?It’s vital to remember that there is no definitive science which points to you as the cause of your child’s narcissistic tendencies or There are several theories which may explain how these traits develop, and one maintains that having a parent who is narcissistic can lead to some children developing the disorder themselves. I am a good person and a loving parent. Aside from the four elements discovered in the study, other factors may nurture narcissism in a child.First of all, parents of narcissistic children may No one intends to raise a narcissist. This went on as a teenager she began bullying me, to make me seem weaker and her more powerful, she had the same dominating personality as her father. They don’t see that there’s anything wrong with them in the first place.Narcissists have managed to delude themselves into thinking that they are perfect, and so have no real desire to change. As my husband recalls exactly my version of events, I at least have some comfort in knowing that my memories are much more realistic. The last words he said to me were F**k this place, F**k you and I hate you. After I said no to the dress, my daughter has lost interest in talking to me. Please read our I have been a broken woman, almost going mad with pain and sorrow about this abandonment. It breaks all our hearts to have to keep her at arms length, but I’m tired of the abuse. As far as your mom ‘getting it’, that’s a sad and tricky situation. XoXo -KimMy husband and I weren’t able to have children and it was very difficult for us to accept this. My ex let him come & go anytime, etc. There is a long trail of broken relationships- friendships, romantic relationships, and even worse, close family relationships in which her aunt and cousin have nothing to do with her any longer.
She has called me several nasty names through her years growing up and laughed at me when I cried from her mental abuse towards me. I wouldn’t put up with her nonsense for two seconds with anyone else. The yr prior to our marriage. However, confronting the problem is something you have to do to improve your own life and stop the cycle of abuse. That is how sick they are, because my son is going along with it. Probably, because he’s scared of me putting a damper on things. He has to be prompted to hug, he doesn’t think of others, he is obsessed with trains, planes and timetables. I was in a car wreck alone. He died because of his arrogance; his ego consumed him, and he drowned after gazing at his image in the water. Can I do anything legally to protect my mom?Hi Trish, I am so sorry that you and your mom are experiencing this.