And yet they rush past one another as if they had nothing in common or were in no way associated with one another…The greater the number of people that are packed into a tiny space, the more repulsive and offensive becomes the brutal indifference, the unfeeling concentration of each person on his private affairs. For Structuralists, design is a process of searching for the relationship between elements. That representation is refreshed in ‘The city seemed Satanic, the narrow streets oppressing like the galleries of a mine’: Margaret and Mrs Wilcox journey through London, from a manuscript draft of Usage terms T S Eliot: © Estate of T. S. Eliot and reprinted by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd. You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

In By 1930, Modernism had won a place in the establishment, including the political and artistic establishment, although by this time Modernism itself had changed. Dating these eras only approximates their initial impact on architectural history and society. Chicago architect Louis Sullivan (1856-1924) is often named as the first modern architect, yet his early skyscrapers are nothing like what we think of as "modern" today. Dublin is, occasionally, unwelcoming – Bloom is the target of anti-Semitic hostility while travelling to a funeral in the morning, and again while drinking in Barney Kiernan's pub. The support beams, duct work, and other functional elements are placed on the exterior of the building, where they become the focus of attention. Four hundred computers connect the library to the rest of the world, beyond the views of Mount Rainier and Puget Sound.

Buildings were to be “machines for living,” reflecting the industrial revolution age (Le Corbusier, 1931). Visual art has made the most complete break with its past.

While German Bauhaus architecture had been concerned with the social aspects of design, America's International Style became a symbolism of

Modernism, in the fine arts, late 19th to mid-20th century, a break with the past and the concurrent search for new forms of expression. It emerged in the first half of the 20th century and became … "Make It New" offers a rare … By the late 1920s, Constructivism had spread outside

Modernism is both a philosophical movement and an art movement that arose from broad transformations in Western society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This triple-layered, "metal mesh glass" reduces heat and glare — the first U.S. building to install this type of glass. There is something distasteful about the very bustle of the streets, something that is abhorrent to human nature itself. New modernist painting shined a light on the emotional and psychic states of the audience, which was fundamental to the formation of an American identity. The reader floats through the city while moving in and out of the characters’ minds; from the grieving mothers who have lost sons in the war to the shell-shocked, hallucinating Septimus Smith; and from the reminiscing Peter Walsh to the religious fanaticism of Miss Kilman – we even hear the internal monologue of the ‘battered old woman’ sitting outside Regent’s Park tube station. The most famous (and perhaps the first) work of constructivist architecture was never actually built. Early in the century, the philosopher Historians, and writers in different disciplines, have suggested various dates as starting points for modernism.

The manufacturing of new building materials, the invention of new construction methods, and the growth of cities inspired an architecture that became known as Modern.

Of course, Louis Sullivan lavished his buildings with ornamental details that did not serve any functional purpose. Except as otherwise permitted by your national copyright laws this material may not be copied or distributed further. Deconstructive ideas are borrowed from the French philosopher Jacques Derrida. In order to make life more efficient, designers and architects aimed at the simplification of housework.

Peter Kalliney, "Modernism, African Literature, and the Cold War". The basic elements of architecture are dismantled. The unity found lay in the common ground of the shared consciousness within all human experience.