9 0 obj <> endobj <>stream "Marines "Burned Out" Two Howitzer Barrels During the Raqqa OffensiveNew details highlight how important traditional artillery has been in the fighting against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.U.S. When the service began work on the mortars the only other ground-based heavy fire support option it had was the In 2005, it began to replace those weapons with the significantly lighter and more mobile M777. 14 0 obj 0000000015 00000 n <> endobj Mortar Round 120mm High explosive The 120mm HE-120 round is manufactured from cast iron giving a good blast effect and coverage of small metal fragments it is suitable to use with all NATO mortars Tactical Characteristics Calibre, mm Weight, kg - Mortar bomb - Mortar bomb without fuze, ignition cartridge and increment charges 0000058051 00000 n The U.S. Marine Corps has completely removed 120mm mortars from its combat units, along with the small trucks and other components that make up the full U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Michael Butler, the Indirect Fire Capabilities Integration officer within the service’s Combat Development and Integration office, itself part of the larger Marine Corps Combat Development Command, made the announcement at a conference in the United Kingdom earlier in March 2018, according to “We made that decision to divest of it, and we're going to move that money into some other area, probably into the precision fires area,” Lieutenant General Robert Walsh, head of Marine Corps Combat Development Command, had Lieutenant Colonel Butler told the March 2018 gathering in the United Kingdom that the Marines Corps’ Basic School would still employ the weapons to train new personnel in the procedures for calling in and providing fire support until the service had expended the remaining ammunition stockpiles. � ��B � D2�BT�5π RX�� � t" �bh^$ �rD � � �-���� endstream As a result, the overall cost of each individual complete EFSS similarly soared from $579,000 to over $1 million. <> Mortar ammunition; Artillery ammunition; Tank ammunition; Download; Get a quote; ITC Ltd. Zenica. The 120mm ammunition family – an entirely new development. The service selected the vehicles in no small part because they were a derivative of a commercially available design, which was supposed to help keep costs down.A view from inside an Osprey as Marines load an EFSS mortar system, showing the limited room to maneuver.The exact opposite happened as the Marines demanded the addition of various military style features and a special pneumatic suspension system to raise and lower the vehicle’s height so that the trucks could fit inside the Osprey.

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0000027787 00000 n 120mm MORTAR AMMUNITION.

Different mortar bombs are very useful during the wartime. 0000058277 00000 n This would still be less than half that of an M777 firing the GPS-guided Excalibur shell and a fifth of that of a HIMARS launching 227mm guided artillery rockets.The fire support they provided was essential in the efforts to eject the terrorists from the main hubs in the Iraqi city of Mosul and their With all this in mind, it’s not surprising that the EFSS ended up on the chopping block. 0000057881 00000 n Show all; 120mm; 60mm; 81mm; 82mm; 60 mm HE MORTAR BOMB M73 Technical specifications: Shell length with fuse 240-300 mm Shell max. But that also doesn’t mean the Marines have necessarily lost interest in lighter-weight long-range weapon system that can fit inside an Osprey and directly accompany its forces in the initial stages of an assault, where they might otherwise be detached from other air, naval, or ground artillery assets.In October 2017, U.S. Marine Corps Major General David Coffman, who is presently the U.S. Navy’s director for expeditionary warfare, said he was “I don’t know what’s in the art of the possible, physics-wise, to get a vehicle that can withstand the recoil of rockets firing, and be a stable enough platform, and still be light enough to be lifted in a helicopter, and all that.” the general told Military.com.