Any company can become an accredited .ME registrar: Domain holders can also activate DNSSEC. By clicking "subscribe", you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms. One of our key company values is giving back to our community. To search by Domain Name, type "example.tld" To search by IP Address, type "nameserver" To search by Host or Nameserver name, type "nameserver ns1.example.tld" To search by Registrar, type "registrar RegistrarA" For advanced search instructions, please type help Launch a new .ME website in minutes with our FREE Weebly website builder - includes free and secure hosting!Every empire had to have that first building block – make yours .ME. .ME is the country code top level domain (ccTLD) for Montenegro.DoMEn d.o.o, the company that operates .ME, is registered and based in Montenegro and co-founded by GoDaddy, Afilias and ME-net..ME stands for Montenegro, a small country based in Southeastern Europe on the Adriatic Sea with little more than 620.000 people..ME is a team of six passionate and creative professionals dedicated to the promotion of .ME domain and making branding personal..ME has a personal meaning in multiple languages, helping people from all over the world build their personal brands online.Every interaction counts! A Whois domain lookup allows you to trace the ownership and tenure of a domain name. We will query the appropriate database and provide a recent record.If you have purchased a domain, the information stored with your Domain registrar is what is passed on to the Registry for the Whois database. A number of .Me premium names have already been turned to successful online services receiving tons of traffic. Meet Kadir Inan: A Designer Who Will Inspire You Here is what we have achieved in our first 10 years!
You can register a .ME domain name by using services of Additionally, some Registries proactively conceal some information in order to comply with local data privacy protection laws.According to the rules established by ICANN, Registrars are expected to maintain the accuracy of the domain name owner's contact details in the Whois database.

.ME has a personal meaning in multiple languages, helping people from all over the world build their personal brands online. Build your resume on a web address that is all about YOU! Most Registrars use the details provided by the buyer at the time the Domain was registered.In case your information does not match the Whois results, you can change this information by getting in touch with your Registrar who will be able to assist you in updating your information. What is a Premium Domain and why it’s a perfect match for your big idea Similar to how all houses are registered with a governing authority, all domain name registries maintain a record of information about every domain name purchased through them, along with who owns it, and the date till which it has been purchased.The Whois database contains details such as the registration date of the domain name, when it expires, ownership and contact information, nameserver information of the domain, the registrar via which the domain was purchased, etc.An IP is a unique address of a server on the internet.
Similar to how all houses are registered with a governing authority, all domain name registries maintain a record of information about every domain name purchased through them, along with who owns it, and the date till which it has been purchased. Domain holders can also activate DNSSEC..ME domains operate similar to traditional domains such as .com, .net and .org, and are ranked by Google in the same way.You are one step away from getting the domain name of your dreams. Register your personal .ME domain for just £2.99 (first-year registration) and take a look at various other services GoDaddy has to offer. ME is an easy-to-promote extension for any website focused on personality. Interested in domain names? We absolutely love working with the .ME team! Read about our CSR efforts.