The first octuplets born in the U.S. arrived in Houston, Texas on Dec. 20, 1998 to parents Nkem Chukwu and her husband Iyke Louis Udobi.

My mom and I measuring my tummy, the day before delivery.At 5:00 am Jayson showed up.

Verywell Family uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. You have an absolutely gorgeous family! What a touching birth story. I love to hear about birth stories and of course don't know anyone who has had quints. Hannah, Lucy, Ruth, Sarah, Kate and Jennifer have reportedly remained close, with some of the sisters continuing to live at home with their parents. By using Verywell Family, you accept our Thanks for sharing that story. It was one of those sort of surreal things to think all of these kids are mine.”Though the average time for quintuplets to be in the womb is 28 weeks, Elliott said, Wilkinson wanted to carry the babies for 34 weeks to ensure they were healthy. He didn't get to see the babies for an hour and b/c I was so sick, I didn't see them for about 28 hours. She loves helping take care of them, and I can see why! Such a blessing!!! Now Shipping: The 2008 Wilkinson Quints Calendar! Wow.

How time flys. It's a workout for me! Then there was one still photographer, two videographers, my husband, my mom, my aunt, and even a person whose sole responsibility was to record the babies birth times. Hi!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008. Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.

God truly is amazing!!! Thanks for sharing all the details of such a wonderful birth story! (after the delivery we discovered that I had all the symptoms of preeclampsiaMe, just before being wheeled to the delivery room.The delivery room itself was divided into two parts.

Having had twin daughters (37) and twin g/children (12)- I love reading your blog. Fun also to learn how you named them. Truely you have been very blessed. 2014. Quintuplets are a set of five babies born to one mother at one birth. You’re like a traveling circus everywhere you go,” said Friar, a mother of triplets and a board member of the San Antonio Area Mothers of Multiples group.Rachelle Wilkinson said she and her husband always wanted a family that was big enough to fit comfortably in a minivan.All the babies appear to be breathing independently. Pamela Prindle Fierro is the author of several parenting books and the mother of twin girls.Joel Forman, MD, is a board-certified pediatrician and associate professor of pediatrics, environmental medicine, and public health at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. i love that you wrote down the details of that exciting day/days before.

I am really grateful for this miracle. On the way we were greeted by another nurse, who explained that the room was not yet ready, so we had to turn around and go back. This is a summary of the quint history. What a beautiful story. Wow, that was amazing! What miracles they are. They'll turn 21 years old this spring and are all grown up (see photos here).
God has given me an incredible gift. Here are some organizations that can offer resources and assistance: They were the first documented set of all identical quintuplets to survive infancy.

8. Posted by Rachelle at ... Labels: birth story, quintuplets. I can't believe it's been a year! YOu are truly an inspiration.

I was so happy to see all of the babies look so perfect and healthy and I was in awe at the miracle of it all. Born September 14, 2004 in Long Branch, New Jersey, the three Hayes boys (Ryan, Connor and Eric) and three girls (Tara, Rachel and Rebecca), set a record for a combined weight of sextuplets at more than 24 lbs. I believe the big day is TODAY?! That is so incredibly amazing!!! The Dilley sextuplets were born in Indiana on May 25, 1993 after their parents, Keith and Becki Diller, had struggled for years with infertility. The Wilkinson quintuplets Born on July 31, 2007 to parents Jayson and Rachelle Wilkinson of Phoenix, Ariz., the five babies set a new record with their combined weight at … I thought I commented on this when I skimmed through it before...what's my problem??? Wilkinson gave birth to quintuplets on July 31, The two-story house on a quiet street in a Cedar Park planned community seems like any other house … I can't believe it's been a year! I got chills just reading about this miracle again. It brought memories just as if it were yesterday of when I photographed the birth of The Wright Quints last year. Wilkinson Family, a few days after the birth. I still think that you should have named one of those babies Riker. )Five minutes later, at 8:17 a.m. Kassidy was born. You are an amazing family!

67, No. (He was so nervous, he actually hung up on her once and frantically had to call her back. I loved all the pictures and I can't believe the babies are going to be 1 soon. Yes, I think a lot of people feel attached to your family!
Nearly all quintuplet pregnancies result in cesarean (C-section) delivery and have an average birth weight of about 2 pounds, 12 ounces each. The Dionne quintuplets — Marie, Emelie, Cecile, Annette and Yvonne —were born on May 28, 1934, in Callander, Ontario and are seen here celebrating their first birthday. Find out why, and see what happened to the sisters in the end.

And even as newborns, I can make out their little faces. Wow, that was so fascinating to read.

Wilkinson Quints, Cedar Park. Me, strapped to the board with the Anesthesiologist by my head.Jayson came in and sat near my head and held my hand.