Neither do those who die at the hands of others in wars and of poverty and diseases, oppression, corruption  and whatnotcaused by others this very second I'm writing here. Should he return he could explain why he had to give Arthur the funeral at the Lake and exactly what has happened and what he has done, I personally think he took his time to grieve, maybe returned to Ealdor, then took his place in Camelot as an advisor to the Queen, helping finish Arthur's work. That's what family and friends and knights (here) are for, saving each other and taking care of each other. I think the whole arthur will rise again. This is supported by the fact he willingly offers Morgana the throne of Camelot, only caring about killing Arthur. Even Uther's short-term madness caused by the mandrake root was regarded as a great danger to the kingdom's strength despite the fact that everyone else was still lucid and that Arthur was there. Arthur still banned magic and still persecuted sorcerers, so aside from knighting commoners and marrying a serving girl, nothing had changed.

So Kilgahrrah's words in the end that Merlin had not failed were rubbish and contradicted themselves. Arthur still persecuted sorcerers and denied all magic-users a proper burial. If he is allowed to use magic, the other blacksmith will lose business and may not be able to support himself and his family. It should have stayed in the past as a pleasant thought and as a lecture, but it was a bad idea to make the viewers believe that it is all going to happen in the future. I just watched Merlin for the second time and I want to see Arthur return. and merlin needs a girl>:(!!!!!!!!!!!!! Magic obviously didn't return but was kind of shelved or even eradicated. Basically when we get ourselves in a situation we can't recover from without him.Next, I hear people saying that Arthur did not bring about the New World he promised and to that I would say, he did bring about the time of Albion, he just wasn't around to see it. In regard to what you wrote above, Arthur returning when Albion is in need: However, if he is not allowed to use magic to assist him, magic is still largely outlawed for him and a change in the law to legalise it is an empty gesture. “I then realised that hope wasn’t lost and penned the song We Will Rise Again and it was based on the bibilical scripture from the 2 nd of Corinthians Chapter 4 vs 8-9. After all, Merlin didn't save Gwens father even though he has such great power. The ending was sad and depressing. As for Guinevere, she has proven herself a brave and strong woman, taking part in the Battle of Camlann as a medic and also leading Camelot in the aftermath of the Battle during relief efforts and actually driving their victory home. Basically when we get ourselves in a situation we can't recover from without him.ReganX has already said it all in regard to Albion and Gwen on the throne. Is there a movie coming instead of a season 6 maybe? Vampires are immortal and that's why they are enternally young. Arthur did rise again.

Merlin saw what a disaster modern society was, so he brought Arthur back.

Now looking on the army as a whole, it has suffered heavy losses this much is not in dispute, but let's look at it like this. At 80 randomly? But we’re blameing the wrong people.

Alas, we are viewing it from our today's point of view with our knowledge in a (so-called) civilised world. Now as for the supporting of Guinevere, she has been around for seven years now, she has proven herself a strong queen (though her affair with Lancelot could be used as an argument against this), true some of the lords might rebel, but many would also support her out of love for Arthur and for the fact that she is the Queen he chose. As for helping the world, no he did not help the world, nor is it likely he will when he reappears, Arthur is a hero for Britain. You would think that the show would go into another series and have Arthurs rise again or that he would have risen when everyone he knew was still alive. The people were save and happy under Uther's reign too until Morgana attacked Camelot (aside from sorcerers, of course). Throughout the ENTIRE show Merlin states 'One day it will be different', 'One day we will be free' 'Arthur will bring about a new time'. Still remembered today, even after hundreds, if not thousands of years later. We survived and the Albion continues to prosper without the help of Arthur.The time when Arthur returns is a time when the world needs him, the time when a hero must be called upon and no-one bar he, truly has the ability to be that hero. Personally I feel they should have had the allies there, but have Morgana's magical allies giving her the overwhelming advantage. Or another idea I have is that at some point the "albion" will be attacked by some kind of magically made immortal army which makes Albion turn into a sort of zombie apocalypse wasteland and Exalibur is the only weapon that can defeat the zombies because that weapon is the only weapon to defeat the living dead and that weapon is with Arthur in the lake.

I loved both sir gwaine and arthur! We can suppose things and hope that that or this will happen but we're never really sure, are we?

Not Uther's fault either. Seven years since the time Tristan and Arthur discussed taxes, it has been confirmed that between the Fourth and Fifth Season, Camelot is prospering, therefore it can be assumed taxes are not as great as they were, after all these taxes were around during times of war and also whilst the kingdom was recovering from war, by Season 5 it had recovered. THE ROLE OF THE DRAGON WAS FUCKING POINTLESS, screw u BBC you wasted money to pay a man to just read shit, false stuff. In November 2017 the people of Zimbabwe took to the streets in an unprecedented alliance with the military. Also, I'd like to point out that no other prophecies in the show have been proven wrong. Idk if im right. Arthur was said to return when Albion's need is greatest, then Arthur would return.