There’s just one problem.With Dethklok scattered to the ends of the Earth, Skwisgaar and Toki must navigate a post-apocalyptic landscape of horrors, strange beauty, and madness, with only fragmentary memories and a few mysterious words to guide them: What if Toki didn't get accepted to join Dethklok, but get accepted by Magnus instead? The show's fourth season, which returned to the fifteen-minute format, currently airs on   "The perfect specimen of devolution: —cro-magnon brow, distended jaw, clammy hands, buckled stomach, back pimplage, hitchhiker thumbs, hammer-assed, fallen arches, chicken-plucked legs, sandpapery, eczema-styled skin, dry, unkempt triangle hair." She got old.

(Metalocalypse is owned by Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha. William Murderface: I’d rather die than go to heaven.

The host of Dethklok Minute bears a resemblance to Mark McGrath of Sugar Ray pre-meteor strike, but is possibly based on Ryan Seacrest. Dethklok includes Nathan Explosion on vocals, Skwisgaar Skwigelf on lead guitar, Toki Wartooth on rhythm guitar, William Murderface on bass, and Pickles the Drummer as...himself. Murderface spat on the sidewalk.

Stella Murderface: Oh William, you're going to go to heaven for this! It hadn’t left yet.You were just going to have a cigarette outside the venue after a bad show, and by chance, Toki was out to see the same one. And the Guardian of Death returned, watching waiting for the man to step out from behind the shadows to compose his greatest work.The band is learning to deal with the changes around Mordhaus after getting Toki back. "Hey guysh! Warnings: Nothing worse than what's on the show Summary: On the eve of his 40th birthday, Murderface seeks answers. But the nightmare was still there. Do they have feelings? You're invited to the chance of the lifetime: To see Mordhaus and the rest of the best Death Metal band in the world! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Until you came back and saved me. I work on docs, but I can share stuff for proof reading across platforms :)William Murderface takes in an injured opossum and learns that like his new pet, he also has some hidden gifts, albeit clouded by misunderstanding.CHAPTER 7 IS UP! You saved me from dying. They're all Nathan in her eyes, and she's willing to blow herself up with a bomb if it'll mean getting the "perfect explosion" to show her love to him.his angry outburst in Doublebookedklok all the more unsettling when he says it with such bileNathan, in a drunken (and whale-influenced) stupor, realizes that the album needs to be destroyed, and takes an axe to it.The fans immediately rushed to the stage and killed them all.his father's death (which the band accidentally caused)he showed up at the end of Renovationllok dressed all in an awesome jacket, no glasses, hair all mussed and out of place...The season 3 finale suggests that he may not have been faking, though nobody knows for sure.If you believe that he actually DID die and came back to life:After Charles returns at the end of the third season premiere with his newly acquired hero scar, several fans dubbed this even more badass version of him "Scarles"the whales on the recording actually become a plot pointHe does the same in the season 3 finale, which takes him to the imprisoned Edgar Jomfru.his brother burned down their garage and blamed it on him. But the party doesn't really stop behind the citadel walls, and time bleeds together, and you grow closer and closer to Toki and Skwisgaar. Please consider turning it on! Skwisgaar is left to navigate the emotional minefield between them, all while Dethklok inevitably skyrockets to fame.This AU tells the story of a 6-piece Dethklok, and how 3 clashing guitarists learn to live with each other.The boys have a very intelligent chat about things in the dining room.Just a collection of mini fics I wrote up in response to tumblr prompts!

William Murderface is not a family man. [William Murderface has bought his grandfather a modern wheelchair that is controlled by blinking.] Created by Tommy Blacha, Brendon Small. This was for the Trick prompt, asking for ‘something gross with Murderface.’Skwisgaar’s latent demigod nature emerges suddenly and dramatically, granting him miraculous healing and life-giving powers which he is neither physically nor emotionally equipped to handle. Abigail's floral assistant creates stunning custom bouquets, which then Pickles's apprentice transforms into gorgeous tattoos. “It’sh like shomone put Vegash and Detroit in a blender and shet it to Hot Topic.” “Withs some DeviantsArts throwns in,” Skwisgaar sneered as a fat demoness shambled out of the alley, appearing to be some kind of rainbow colored dog-thing dressed like a circus tent. 5.0 out of 5 stars William Murderface Murderface Murderface Reviewed in the United States on November 11, 2009 If you like Metalocalypse, you have to get this Kidrobot release. But when tragedy strikes he and Skwisgaar must come together to pick up the pieces of his cousin's shattered life. Bassist William Murderface (Murderface Murderface) Pickles the drummer (doodily doo, ... Gene Hoglan, a fairly long-standing member of Strapping Young Lad, is the real life drummer for Dethklok. (Hell, they can't even get grocery shopping right.) "Watch what happensh when I put thish magnet on my new metal skull-plate!" Unfortunately, these guys are more interested in boozing, doing drugs, and causing mass destruction than in putting out new albums. Author's Notes: Can take place pretty much anywhere in the timeline of the show, I should think. Metalocalypse is an American adult animated television series that was aired on Adult Swim.