You got a multiplicity of colors of ass backward, unusual niggers, running, tied to backward ass long-headed mules, the one productive of itself, the other sterile. Multiplicity means a great number. The letter purportedly post-dates and records verbatim the delivery of a speech by one William Lynch, a slaveowner in the West Indies. While Rome used cords of wood as crosses for standing human bodies along its highways in great numbers, you are here using the tree and the rope on occasions. “We have reversed the relationships.
The one with the female offspring will teach her to be like herself, independent and negotiable (we negotiate with her, through her, by her, negotiates her at will). July 27, 2012 by therichhistory The following excerpt from the Willie Lynch letter explains the process of destroying and rewiring our ancestor’s psyche. Ancient Rome would envy us if my program is implemented.

Nature had provided for this type of balance. We have reversed the relationship; in her natural uncivilized state, she would have a strong dependency on the uncivilized nigger male, and she would have a limited protective tendency toward her independent male offspring and would raise male offsprings to be dependent like her. In this state she will raise her male and female offspring in reversed gender roles. Now, in a few years when these two offsprings become fertile for early reproduction, we will mate and breed them and continue the cycle. We reversed nature by burning & pulling one civilized nigger apart & bull whipped the other male to the point of death, all in her presence. Gentlemen, you know what your problems are; I do not need to elaborate. “Both a wild horse & a wild or natural nigger is dangerous even if captured, for they will have the tendency to seek their customary freedom, and in doing so might kill you in your sleep. That is good, sound and long range comprehensive planning.Earlier, we talked about the non-economic good of the horse and the nigger in their wild or natural state; we talked out the principle of breaking and tying them together for orderly production. We understand that short range planning economics results in periodic economic chaos; so that to avoid turmoil in the economy, it requires us to have breadth and depth in long range comprehensive planning, articulating both skill sharp perceptions. The slave owners viewed the black woman as the money maker, and was considered “good economics.” The black woman was considered extremely valuable because after “breeding” the woman gives birth to the children, and potentially raise the child how the slave owners prefer them to due to the psychological hold. Axis means upon which or around which a body turns. Since we feel that the subject matter may get more complicated as we proceed in laying down our economic plan concerning the purpose, reason and effect of crossbreeding horses and niggers, we shall lay down the following definition terms for future generations. In other words, break the will to resist.” From this point he breaks down the gruesome degrading breaking process. The demasculinization process played a huge role in how the children was raised and developed. the Human race, into a slave plantation for their business and pleasure ]. The results of which is the severance of the points of original beginnings for each sphere illusion. Furthermore, we talked about paying particular attention to the female savage and her offspring for orderly future planning, then more recently we stated that, by reversing the positions of the male and female savages, we created an orbiting cycle that turns on its own axis forever unless a phenomenon occurred and reshifts positions of the male and female savages. Unusual sobriety, apparent abstractions, sullenness and indifference indeed, any mood out of the common was afforded ground for suspicion and inquiry. In today’s society the physical conditions aren’t similar to our ancestors, but the mental conditions are. In my bag here, It was the interest and business of slave holders to study human nature, and the slave nature in particular, with a view to practical results. As our boat sailed south on the James River, named for our illustrious King, whose version of the Bible we cherish, I saw enough to know that your problem is not unique. This speech was said to have been delivered by Willie Lynch on the bank of the James River in the colony of Virginia in 1712. The slave owners would demasculinization the males in front of the women which made the men seem weak and not fit to be the head of a family.

He had travelled from the islands, and one day in 1712, on the banks of the James River in Virginia, spoke to a group of fellow slaveowners. They had to deal not with earth, wood and stone, but with men and, by every regard, they had for their own safety and prosperity they needed to know the material on which they were to work, conscious of the injustice and wrong they were every hour perpetuating and knowing what they themselves would do. Crossbreeding a horse means taking a horse and breeding it with an ass and you get a dumb, backward, ass long-headed mule that is not reproductive nor productive by itself. What this means is this: Put the niggers and the horse in a breeding pot, mix some asses and some good white blood and what do you get? For the fear of the young male’s life she will psychologically train him to be mentally weak & dependent, but physically strong. I greet you here on the bank of the James River in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twelve. Hence both the horse & the nigger must be broken, that is breaking them from one form of mental life to another, keep the body and take the mind. If she shows any sign of resistance in submitting completely to your will, do not hesitate to use the bullwhip on her to extract that last bit of [b----] out of her. In natural state she would have a strong dependency on the the uncivilized nigger male, and she would had a limited protective dependency towards her independent male offspring and would raise her female offspring to be independent like her. Both must be Take the female and run a series of tests on her to see if she will submit to your desires willingly. For fear that our future generations may not understand the principles of breaking both of the beast together, the nigger and the horse.