Her clothes were simple, casual  and slightly preppy.

It was a subversive pleasure to watch Bar Odeon start to succeed in spite of the owner's neglect and see customers and staff happy and busy.Edward bought Bar Odeon from the Odeon's owner and renamed it Edward's. It’s so tacky.”WASP culture can trace itself in a direct line back to the Puritans who disembarked, bewildered, from the Mayflower. The speed of his patter, in retrospect, seemed like he wanted to get it over with to get to the meat of the matter, but at the time I interpreted it as excitement about me. The wish for connection and understanding verses the battle for control. have you no shame?Eccentricity is allowed up to a point.

The owner became more corporate. Lunch was pretty standard. But she was still a young woman, full of feeling and longing as hard as she tried to hide it. I was optimistic for the first time in months. He wore sex graphically on his paisley sleeve. Cinderella was blonde, I was blonde. To his great credit, she said he laughed out loud. I was feverish. Her good friend, Lisa Birnbach gave her Perhaps E. Jean Carroll should reframe the word “victim,” and call herself a “survivor.” She thinks she is partially to blame because she showed bad judgement going into that dressing room alone with Donald Trump. He knelt down on one knee in between my own and pressed his erection into my thigh. Please feel free to come up with your own. Why did I care about this movie all of a sudden?My boys and I went back again. Or did you care to choose to wear that Zara jacket to show us how much you Just as our very sane and smart President always does, he blew up the carefully-crafted lie with his own sloppy lie. Then we opened and tried to go about business as usual, which was impossible because there was little to no business to be had.

My mother, on the other hand, was like a cobra—still and deadly. The restaurant shimmered with sophistication and its hipness was aspirational. It’s akin to when people who aren’t in therapy—you know, the ones who actually need therapy most of all— say going to therapy is an admission that you’re crazy. Their feelings for their children often manifest later than mothers. Stay safe, everybody.

On rainy days, the volunteer firehouse would screen movies for the kids. Excepting each other, they were used to being the smartest, wittiest person in the room and they weren't shy about it. Or Pee-wee. A good one. I know you can do it. He was distraught we had no air-conditioning.My mom discovered Fire Island through her friend, Phyllis. Michelle Obama specifically chose approachable, unintimidating clothes like, J.Crew. If you deal with snotty people calmly, reasonably with a hint of condescension as if they were unruly children, they generally snap back into shape. When our dad spanked us, he almost cried. I was holding my mom’s hand. She had bright eyes and cocked her head at me like a sparrow when we talked.

They were chic, sexy and exclusive. He’d never submerge his head. They looked like neither. You were the wronged person, not me. They had a vast appreciation for each other's sardonic intelligence. She has chipmunk cheeks!

I am loathe to admit it, but I was embarrassed to be Jewish. He’s allowed to go to seed a bit and develop gin blossoms because, well, he’s a man. For example, if one is in the closet.

Perhaps they even had a deal with Trump (a/k/a a payoff) to make sure their salesforce was mysteriously absent from the lingerie department when he needed advice from female customers he happened to meet on the first floor.Trump tells her to try on a flimsy, see-through, lavender bodysuit. School rings are an indication of assholery.

As I drove my boys to The Arclight theater in Sherman Oaks, I had to call my ex-husband so he could tell me the Cliff Notes. She has been married to David Wain since 2009. He moved to San Francisco, where he started performing, then to Los Angeles, where Orson Wells put the moves on Theodore's young wife.

By all accounts she was a champion of projects that had artistic merit, was genuinely friendly to actors, creatives and executives and was one of the few women in Hollywood holding a position of prominence and power, which is no small feat.